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Why do they hate us? (and why do we care?)

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  • Why do they hate us? (and why do we care?)

    Israel Insider, Israel
    Aug 4 2004

    Why do they hate us? (and why do we care?)
    By Patrick D O'Brien August 4, 2004

    Originally published by IsraPundit.

    This is a topic that doesn't relate directly to Israel, although it
    does affects people's attitudes about the morality of Israel's (as
    well as the United States') defense of its citizens against Islamic
    terror. So to preclude any confusion, henceforth when I use the term
    "we," it will be in reference to both Israel and AmericaÑtwo nations
    united in democracy and strong western values like freedom, justice,
    love of life, and opportunity.

    I believe that now more than ever, many Americans are acutely aware
    of the special affinity between our nation and Israel. I think that
    some Americans are starting to "get it" when it comes to the deadly
    menace of Islamofascism which Israel has been up against for decades.
    I am somewhat ashamed that it took a cataclysmic event of the
    magnitude we saw in the 9/11 attacks, but I honestly feel that many
    of us now have a much greater appreciation for what our brothers and
    sisters in Israel have been living with for so long.

    As human beings, we instinctively think causally. It's absurd to
    assert that anything "just happens." So, we automatically look for
    the causes of the effects we see around us. The stunning effects of
    terror cry out deafeningly out for a reason. As far as I'm concerned,
    terror is the pinnacle of man's depravity. As for the definition of
    terror, I use Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d), which

    The term "terrorism" means premeditated, politically motivated
    violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational
    groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an

    The term "international terrorism" means terrorism involving the
    territory or the citizens of more than one country.

    Ñ The term "terrorist group" means any group that practices, or has
    significant subgroups that practice, international terrorism.

    When we here in the west are faced with the monstrous nature of
    terror, we are forced to somehow make sense of the senseless. We
    search for a reason behind this madness; we search for the now
    proverbial "root cause." I think sometimes we naively forget that,
    irrespective of grievance or cause, there is no excuse for the
    intentional murder of unarmed innocents. Be that as it may, for
    practical reasons of academia and governmental policy, terror must be

    The perennial question falling off the lips of many intellectuals
    since 9/11 has been, "Why do they hate us?" More often than not, this
    query comes from those on the left, because most on the right are
    quite beyond trying to understand "root causes" by the time buses are
    being blown up and a pregnant woman and her children are being shot
    dead in her car. If you think about it, such a question answers
    itself as far as the leftist is concerned. If this question is
    seriously asked, it is already presupposed that there must be
    something we do that enrages these people so greatly that they are
    willing to immolate themselves with high explosives in order to kill
    us. I personally believe that no one deserves to suffer the demonic
    attacks of terror that are increasingly hitting western targets
    outside of Israel. Asking this question also erroneously ascribes the
    concept of sense and legitimacy to acts of terror. But still, it is a
    fair question to ask, since terror doesn't happen in a vacuum.

    One of the most famous caricatures of the western liberal is that of
    someone who wants to throw a lot of money at social ills in the hopes
    of buying a solution. In register with such thinking, many pundits
    and academics on the left have posited that Islamic terror comes from
    the desperation of economic deprivation. Many of us here in the west
    buy into this idea. I almost did, but thankfully Daniel Pipes saved
    me from that folly. Subscribing to this notion says far more about
    the western mind than it does about the cause of Islamic terror. It's
    a bit presumptuous of us to think that what the Islamic world needs
    and wants is material gain. We are projecting our secular values onto
    a quasi-religious problem. Of course everyone likes to eat and to
    receive basic medical care, but that is not what this is about.

    If you begin looking into just who gets involved in terror groups and
    who carries out suicide attacks, you will see that it is not the
    disenfranchised and impoverished. It is usually intelligent young men
    from middle class (or higher) backgrounds, with college educations
    (often at western universities). They are devout Muslims who are well
    versed in many aspects of their faith. It's definitely not about
    money. It's about Islam and its doctrine.

    Westerners are flummoxed when they encounter a problem of such
    Herculean dimensions that can't be solved with money. We have become
    complacent in secular democracy. We are sometimes unmindful of our
    vast freedoms (because we are free to be) and how precious they are.
    It is only through our hard-won freedom that we were able to conceive
    our western secular democracy which protects these freedoms. It is
    the freedom afforded us by secular democracy that has resulted in
    great achievements in art, science, technology, and other areas of
    human endeavor.

    Islam, on the other hand, has contributed nothing to science and
    reason in the last millennium due to its static and grindingly
    intolerant state. Islam is a totalitarian ideology which affects
    every minute aspect of the Muslim's life from personal hygiene, to
    mundane everyday matters, to how man should be governed. The west has
    outpaced and surpassed the Islamic world as sensationally as it has
    because we have moved on and separated religion from state, thus
    effecting a secular environment in which science, the humanities, and
    reason may thrive. These priceless assets which many of us take for
    granted are impossible under shari'ah.

    Additionally, we see here how President Bush's notion that "they hate
    us for our freedoms" was somewhat misguided. Muslims do not want our
    "freedom" because it is anathema to them. The most repugnant sin to a
    Muslim is what is known as "shirk." Shirk, while often used to denote
    polytheism, really means putting anything on the same footing with
    God. Man-made law is shirk, since Muslims were given the revealed
    word of God as concerns how they are to be governed. So, no, they
    don't hate us for being free per se, but they do hate us for being
    free in an unIslamic way.

    Also, Islam causes economic malaise. Before the west taught the Arab
    world how to extract and process its oil, the Islamic world was still
    back on its heels over the western primacy after the industrial
    revolution. The recent phenomenon of Islamic terror began with the
    Muslim Brotherhood and the newly enriched Wahhabi/Salafi sects in the
    K.S.A. around the same time that Arabian oil fields opened up. It was
    further exacerbated during the last oil boom in the seventies.

    So, if they don't hate us over economic disparity or because we're
    free, then why the heck do they hate us? What on Earth could drive
    people to detonate bomb vests in a crowded restaurant or bus; or saw
    someone's head off while droning "God is great," or fly planes full
    of passengers into skyscrapers full of people trying to go to work?
    Again, justification for such ignoble acts aside, when a Jew watches
    someone he loves blown into several hundred bloody pieces before his
    eyes, or when a mother watches her son's severed head or other body
    parts being displayed as gruesome trophies for the video camera, or
    when a country reels with the deep psychic shock of witnessing its
    citizens being murdered en masseÑwhen confronted with such sheer
    madness, it is only natural to want to know: Why do they hate us?

    Well, I know why they hate us. And it's not even because we and the
    "evil Zionist entity" are complicit in the ongoing "occupation" and
    "oppression" of the Palestinians (although this ruse is a useful red
    herring to the Arab world). They hate us because according to their
    scriptureÑwhich they view to be inerrantÑit is the entitlement of
    Muslims to lead all of mankind and to establish God's kingdom on
    Earth (Khilafah); and we have spectacularly robbed them of that
    absurd notion with the awesome power of secular, liberal democracy
    and capitalism.

    Before the west put the capstone on the edifice of capitalism and
    industrial power, Muslims were always successful, powerful, and to
    their minds, superior. We've ruined all that now. Even the oil
    doesn't help them, because until they can effect Khilafah, they will
    settle for the devil they know (corrupt, local despots) over the
    devil they don't know (shirk, secular democracy). This provides
    another reason to hate us. We are seen to be in league with the
    tyrants who oppress and exploit the umma (the Muslim community). We
    may secure transitory geopolitical alliances with these thugs (the
    shah, Saddam, Mubarak), but to Muslims (and their western enablers),
    we're a big part of the problem, if not the entire problem. We are
    Satan to them.

    So, it doesn't really matter what economic stratum a Muslim comes
    from. What matters is that it is categorically obligatory for any
    able-bodied Muslim male to engage in jihad when jihad is waged. As
    for the western Muslims who aren't out on the field of battle killing
    infidels, they are engaged in da'wa (calling the infidels to Islam)
    and taqiyya (lying about the faith) here among us. And anyway, I
    submit that anyone who doesn't actively oppose terror is condoning
    it, if only tacitly.

    A worldwide Islamic state is the goal of Islam. Islam is a dystopian
    nightmare, which its adherents think is utopian. So, rich or poor,
    when they are met with our flat refusal to accept the notion of their
    theocracy, there is conflict, and as we're beginning to see here in
    America, it gets deadly. Muhammad's hordes, who raged out of the
    Arabian Peninsula conquering nations from the Atlantic to the
    Pacific, were wealthy menÑvery wealthy. They did if for Islam. They
    did it because the Qur'an and the hadith say that it is their right,
    and this scripture is God's revealed word.

    Islamic terror is really about the establishment of God's law on
    EarthÑeverywhere on Earth. That is more important to a Muslim than
    material comfort. As westerners, we are baffled by such an idea, and
    so the more "progressive" among us think that a fusillade of money
    might be in order to get those angry young men with that faraway
    glint of suicide explosions in their eyes to stop killing us. Because
    we deserve it. All the money in the world won't solve this problem,
    though. It'll only fund more terror. And who wants money when you
    have a mission from God? Many wealthy and "westernized" Muslims are
    just as convinced that Khilafah is the pinnacle of man's mission on
    Earth as their destitute brethren. They can do their part by
    contributing to Muslim "charities."

    When we begin to understand that we are dealing with a
    quasi-religious ideology that can take a wealthy and educated
    profligate like Osama bin Laden (who once enjoyed sex, drugs, and
    rock and roll in the discotheques of Beirut) and turn him into the
    scourge of God, then we begin to understand the true power of this

    For Israelis, there is the added dynamic of the virulent
    anti-Semitism endemic to Islam and the Arab world. The privations,
    pogroms, and humiliation visited upon the Jews living in dhimmitude
    in Arab nations is well documented throughout the ages. The Jews are
    depicted in the Qur'an and several sunna in an extremely unfavorable
    light, which is easily interpreted as grounds to indulge in lurid
    hatred and persecution against them. In the Arab press, all manner of
    lies and slander about the Jews and Israel are presented as fact. To
    the Arab/Muslim sensibilities, it is an affront that not only did the
    despised Jew return to claim his homeland, but he additionally
    brought democracy and developed the means to defend it. I think the
    fact that the Jews can fight back nowÑmore than effectivelyÑbothers a
    lot of people, actually.

    Alan Dershowitz also reminds us that another "root cause" of terror
    is that it works. Our open media are used against us in mass coverage
    terror acts. Western governments often respond to terrorist demands,
    caving in when pressured by their populace. Any quarter given to
    terrorists is exploited as weakness in their cruel calculus. Even
    when terror groups do not get what they've demanded, they gain much
    when the whole world pays attention to what they've done. To quote
    the Palestinian Liberation Organization's chief observer at the
    United Nations, Zehdi Labib Terzi, "The first several hijackings
    aroused the consciousness of the world and awakened the media and the
    world opinion much moreÑand more effectivelyÑthan twenty years of
    pleading at the United Nations." So, it is clear that when terrorism
    is rewarded, it causes more terror. Any parent of a three-year-old
    could tell you as much. The Turkish Armenians and Kurds were ignored
    when they tried to use terror to make their case, so you don't ever
    hear about Armenian or Kurdish terror. There's a reason.
    Additionally, you don't hear too much about Tibetan Buddhists, and
    many other groups who have genuinely been wronged, resorting to
    terror out of desperation and financial woe.

    In the end, I really don't care why the degenerate Islamic killers
    hate us. I happen to think that the United States and Israel are not
    what is wrong with this world. But even when there are legitimate
    hardships for Muslims, murder is the wrong way to go about expressing
    your outrage. As far as I'm concerned, the minute you murder
    innocent, unarmed civilians to advance your "cause," you have shown
    me that whatever your grievance was, it is no longer relevant in any
    sense. That's not desperation or fighting for freedom. That is
    murder, and it is evil.

    Soon the more liberal-minded among us here in the west will get it.
    Frankly, they will have no choice. I am sure that it was a bitter
    pill to swallow for many leftists in Israel when they had to face the
    fact that Islamofascism cannot be appeased. But when murderous fiends
    are killing your family, your friends, and your countrymen, despite
    your most honest, magnanimous, and lofty efforts, it's time to face

    No, I don't care that they hate us. I have an functional moral
    compass, and I'm not in thrall to relativism. I know that we're in
    the right here.