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The Death Of The Soviet Armenian

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  • The Death Of The Soviet Armenian


    Hrant Ter-Abrahamyan: publicist, historian. Does not accept the
    irrelevantly high self-evaluation common in Armenia.

    Hrant, your assessment to the current situation. What are the primary
    issues today?

    Today's situation is the continuation of the same situation; we have
    the same problems of the last year. Of course, those who criticize
    the opposition increased in number, but although we criticize it
    sometimes even justly, the existence of the opposition is positive
    by itself until there is no real alternative. By saying opposition,
    let us understand not only political opposition.

    By saying opposition, I understand the oppositional sphere of the
    public which passed through the 2008 movement. From this point, I
    think, that there is a sphere of the public, which regardless whether
    the opposition will strengthen or weaken, will not return to its
    previous situation. We have matured very much during these two years.

    As to the indifferent part of the society they have always been
    feeling apathy towards everything. I think it is a group of people
    who are stuck in the past for ever. Especially considering that after
    the protocols signed in Zurich, many people came out and celebrated
    something. I do not have any expectation from the soviet-Armenian
    nation. My whole hope is the new generation. Strange it may seem but
    we are forming as a nation only now. The soviet-Armenian people died
    or are to die.

    Many, not noticing the same enthusiasm within the HAK, present new

    I am not interested in the formation of a new force. In 2003, the
    opposition left and a new one came. Now we say this one is not good
    either, let us form a new one. For what? For us to say after two
    years that we need a new one again? I think we need to come out of
    this cycle.

    I do not think that the main aim of the HAK was to take the power. I
    think it had great potential thanks to its supporters but it did not
    manage to use it properly. I see today's main shortage in the absence
    of ideological alternative. No ideological work was carried out during
    these two years.

    The current situation is to be clearly analyzed. All of us know the
    situation is bad but the reasons have not been found out. We may
    be found out to be opposite to different and opposing things. To be
    against the current situation does not mean to be allies. Going deep,
    we may find out that someone is against the independence of Armenia
    and the others see their future under the influence of Russia and
    post-soviet situation.

    I think at least a small group of people is to be formed having inner
    consensus on the main issues in case of the formation of a new force.

    What I see now are attempts to show newly-wrapped oppositions of the
    last 20 years. Perhaps, I am more interested in a smaller movement,
    not a nation one, but with clearer formulations. The word "nation"
    has long ago lost its significance. Today the nation has more layers
    and is a more complicated structure than during the soviet period.

    The second main issue is the aim of the oppositional sphere of
    the public and the technologies it has to use for the solution of
    problems. Besides, what happened in the last two years is to be
    analyzed to be able to move forward.

    Hrant, what kind of a political force would you like to see?

    I would like to see a force which would clearly say that the roots
    of our problems lie in the soviet heritage and in the fact of being
    under Russia's influence today.

    Armenians used to be a part of the Western civilization and we need
    to restore this line to find our Armenian identity and to bury the
    identity of the soviet Armenia. Until we did not come out of Russia's
    influence we will not solve any issue in the country.

    Plus, the political force is to propose concrete technologies. For
    example, how it is going to fight against electoral bribes and
    breaches. As well as, a political force is to show clearly the model
    it uses inside, thus, I have to be sure that it is democracy. After
    all, politics is based on one thought: no policy and no change of
    it can take place without it. For example, the revolution in France
    did not happen by itself, before, a whole generation of intellectuals
    formulated all the problems starting from the fundamental philosophical

    Interviewer Siranuysh Papyan