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Armenian Genocide: Dangerous Pity

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  • Armenian Genocide: Dangerous Pity


    Huffington Post
    Jan 26 2012

    BY Robert Badinter.Ancien senateur et Garde des sceaux

    The law punishing the denial or outrageous minimization of the Armenian
    genocide of 1915 has been adopted by the French parliament.

    In this pre-electoral period, the Senate has decided to reconsider
    its earlier rejection of a text whose purpose was identical. Let us
    hope that the passage of this law by the French parliament will soothe
    the moral wounds that the Turkish authorities' obstinate refusal to
    recognize the Armenian genocide of 1915 has caused the victims. I
    know, from my own personal experience, how cruel negationism is for
    the descendants of the victims of a genocide. But apart from this
    therapeutic function, I believe this law will bring only difficulties,
    including those that will afflict the Armenian community itself.

    Let us suppose, for example, that a Turkish high official or specialist
    of public law questioned, in France, about the Armenian genocide
    should offer the official Turkish version of events. The Armenian
    associations will file suit in the French courts. The individual
    prosecuted will not fail to point out that the law is unconstitutional
    as it conflicts with his liberty of opinion and expression, as based
    upon the QPC (Priority Question of Constitutionality). In the debate,
    the Constitutional Council will necessarily be obliged to consider
    the question of the constitutionality of the memorial law of 2001
    recognizing the Armenian genocide, as it has never been compelled
    to do so before. If, as a number of jurists, particularly the doyen
    Vedel, who expressed his viewpoint in 2002, believe this law of
    2001 is tainted with unconstitutionality, both the memorial law of
    2001 and the current repressive law will disappear from our legal
    statutes at the same time. This judicial boomerang will turn against
    its authors. Law will prevail and take vengeance on politics.


    Parliament does not have the competence to dictate history, as was
    excellently expressed by Pierre Nora and the members of the Liberte
    pour l'histoire association. Only totalitarian regimes accept
    an official line of history, determined by the powers that be and
    imposed by the judge. French justice offers others means of condemning
    those who would forge history, who fail in their scientific duty to
    intellectual honesty, rigor, and objectivity in their work. But it
    is not up to French legislators to put themselves in the place of
    historians and judges by proclaiming, in a French law, that a crime
    of genocide was committed in Asia Minor a century ago.

    Judicial authority is the only one competent to declare if a crime
    has been committed and who its perpetrators are. Thus the Jewish
    genocide by the Nazis was established by the International Military
    Tribunal at Nuremberg. This tribunal, in which French magistrates
    participated, was the result of the London Accords, signed by France
    in 1944. The judgments of Nuremberg were considered res judicata,
    hence authoritative, in France. The same is true of crimes against
    humanity that occurred in ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda and were judged by
    international criminal courts. No such thing exists for the Armenian
    genocide of 1915, committed before the international community became
    conscious of the moral imperative that butchers of humanity should
    not go unpunished. But this mission is the duty of international
    jurisdictions, first of all the International Criminal Court. The
    French parliament has no competence whatsoever in this respect and
    cannot set itself up as a universal judge, capable of proclaiming
    by French law the existence of crimes that, since they are historic,
    are in no way within the realm of their competence.


    This hubris on the part of the French parliament shall not fail to
    inspire reactions against France. First of all, in the international
    domain. The Turks are a great people who play a great role,
    particularly in the Middle East. They are proud of their history,
    even though it bears the stains of crimes and exactions of all kinds,
    just like that of all conquering peoples. We can call upon the Turkish
    authorities to go back over their history, as other European states
    have done. But to condemn (for that is the implicit meaning of the
    law of 2001) the Ottoman predecessors of a Turkish state that is
    our friend, to register this condemnation in our laws, this measure
    intended to soothe the pain of one will inevitably cause the furor of
    others. Since we're talking especially about Franco-Turk cooperation
    that currently flourishes in university and cultural spheres, we are
    bound to feel the weight of Turkish resentment against this legislative
    intrusion into an already long ago past.

    I do not know if the Turkish constitution allows the parliament to
    vote on laws concerning history, including that of foreign nations. If
    such is the case, we should prepare ourselves for a rejoinder on
    the part of Turkish nationalist legislators proclaiming that France
    is the author of crimes against humanity committed in its former
    colonies, especially in Algeria during the war of independence. Will
    we protest that these tragic events do not concern Turkey? But what
    did the French parliament do with regard to her yesterday? Our long
    and tragic history should place us today on the side of international
    justice. It does not qualify us to appoint ourselves the judge of
    universal history and the moral conscience of the world.
