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Georgia key to Europe's security interests

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  • Georgia key to Europe's security interests

    EUpolitix, Belgium
    April 6 2004

    Georgia key to Europe's security interests

    Europe's security and progress in the fight against terrorism depends
    on forging closer ties with Georgia, the country's President Mikhail
    Saakashvili said on Tuesday.

    Speaking to the European Parliament's foreign affairs committee,
    Saakashvili said only Georgia's `unequivocal membership' of Europe's
    new `neighbourhood' policy, with possible future EU membership, would
    guarantee stability in the region.

    A new strategy for stronger relations with the an expanded EU's new
    neighbours will be unveiled in May and the future status of the
    former Soviet state and other Caucasus countries in the plan is not
    yet known.

    `Europe can only guarantee its future when it embraces its
    neighbours,' Saakashvili told MEPs.

    `A safer and more prosperous union cannot be done by creating new
    borders or dividing lines.'

    As well as providing Europe with greater energy security and new
    markets, Georgia was a `frontline partner in the fight against
    terrorism' and a `net contributor to lasting European stability,' he

    Saakashvili, who has built himself the reputation of a crusader
    against corruption and a champion of economic recovery and market
    reforms, was given a warm welcome by MEPs.

    The 36 year old US-educated lawyer, currently the youngest president
    in the world, has also won the praise of US President George W Bush
    for vowing to turn his poverty-stricken nation into a western-leaning

    As one of the leaders of the `rose revolution' - a series of public
    protests that forced former President Eduard Shevardnadze to resign
    in November - Saakashvili swept to power in January with 96 per cent
    of the vote.

    Since coming to power, he told MEPs, his administration had cracked
    down on criminal bosses and mafia-like structures within the
    government, evicting five corrupt ministers from their posts.

    `Fighting corruption is a top priority of my government and I am
    confident we will succeed,' he said.

    And the pro-Western leader stressed that EU membership was not
    outside of Tbilisi's radar screen, arguing that there was not much
    difference between Romania and Bulgaria - who hope to join the EU in
    2007 - and Georgia.

    `Perhaps we should wait two or three years before seriously debating
    future membership of the EU…but we must keep an eye on that
    possibility,' he said.

    `European identity is very clear. We are Europeans and we understand
    that we should behave as Europeans in a peaceful fashion.'

    But European Commission chief Romano Prodi was less committal about
    Georgia's prospects for future membership.

    Following a meeting with President Saakashvili, Prodi said the EU
    would concentrate on developing ties under a political and
    cooperation agreement (PCA) but made a point of refusing to comment
    on membership possibilities.

    He said the commission in May would make recommendations to EU
    leaders on relations with Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia under its
    new neighbourhood policy.

    The EU was also commited to pouring in financial aid to the country,
    he stressed, pointing to a 30 million programme to assist reform,
    with 3.6 million dedicated to reforming the judiciary.