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Armenia wants to see Iran more involved in region, FM says

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  • Armenia wants to see Iran more involved in region, FM says

    Armenia wants to see Iran more involved in region, foreign minister says

    Azg, Yerevan
    14 Apr 04

    Text of Tatul Akopyan's report in Armenian newspaper Azg on 14 April
    headlined "Construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline is starting
    this year"

    On 12-13 April Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan, who was in
    Iran on an official visit, had meetings with the secretary of Iran's
    Supreme National Security Council, Hasan Rowhani, Information Minister
    Ali Yunesi, Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi and First Vice-President
    Mohammad Reza Aref.

    After the meetings Vardan Oskanyan gave a news conference. He said
    that the problem of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline had been discussed
    during the talks with top Iranian officials. "The authorities of
    Armenia and Iran are determined to construct the gas pipeline. We hope
    that during the visit by Iran's oil minister, [Bizhan]
    Namdar-Zangeneh, to Yerevan, the final version of the document will be
    signed and we shall start construction this year," Oskanyan said.

    The head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry's CIS department, Mehdi
    Safari, said that Iran's oil minister would visit Yerevan next
    month. Safari said that the final document on construction of the gas
    pipeline would be signed in Yerevan. The Armenian foreign minister
    mentioned that construction of the gas pipeline would give a new
    quality to Armenian-Iranian relations and would be of serious
    significance for the region. "As for bilateral economic programmes, we
    have discussed the problems of the Kadzharan tunnel, construction of
    the power plant on the Araks [Araz] river and the transit problems
    between the two countries," Oskanyan said.

    Regional problems, including Karabakh, were also discussed during the
    meetings. During his meeting with the first vice-president of Iran,
    Mohammad Reza Aref, Oskanyan noted that, unlike Turkey, Iran had a
    balanced position in the region. "We want Iran to be more involved in
    regional processes, and construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline
    will increase Tehran's role in the region," Oskanyan said.