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F18News Summary: Armenia; Russia; Uzbekistan

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  • F18News Summary: Armenia; Russia; Uzbekistan

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief


    19 April 2004
    With 24 Jehovah's Witnesses in prison for refusing military service on
    grounds of conscience, another fined and a further three awaiting trial,
    Council of Europe officials have been unable to explain to Forum 18 News
    Service what punishment Armenia faces - if any - for violating its
    commitments to the organisation. The commitments required Armenia to have
    freed all imprisoned conscientious objectors and introduced alternative
    service by January 2004, but it failed on both counts. One outsider
    involved in the issue at the Council of Europe, who preferred not to be
    identified, told Forum 18 that the Armenian government had deployed "an
    especially successful lobbying campaign" to have the issue buried. The
    Jehovah's Witnesses, one of Armenia's largest religious minorities, appear
    no nearer to receiving state registration.

    21 April 2004
    Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad within Russia less
    enthusiastic about a proposed merger with the Moscow Patriarchate have
    faced obstruction from the state authorities, Forum 18 News Service has
    learnt. When 50 clergy and lay members held a diocesan assembly in Tula
    region in February, officers of the police and FSB (former KGB) questioned
    their legal right to meet, while elsewhere local authorities have failed to
    register parishes, obstruct those that meet in privately-owned buildings
    and even threatened to confiscate churches built with parishioners' funds.
    Without state registration, parishes cannot produce publications or conduct
    missionary activity, but some clergy argue it is better not to have
    registration. "It is easier for state officials to apply pressure to a
    community with legal status by finding fault with its documentation," one
    priest told Forum 18.

    22 April 2004
    A Korean Methodist church in northern Moscow appears to have fought off an
    attempt by a commercial firm to steal their church building. A district
    court ruled against the Moscow justice department on 26 March after the
    church challenged the justice department's acceptance of fraudulent
    documents which claimed to have transferred the church to the company.
    Galina Skakun of the justice department admitted in court the Methodists'
    claim to the building, and tried to defend her department even though it
    failed to verify the authenticity of the documents. Church administrator
    Svetlana Kim said the Methodists believe that coverage of their case by
    both Forum 18 News Service and Russian news agencies "really helped us".

    21 April 2004
    Amid a major crackdown, eleven Protestants in Nukus were questioned at the
    public prosecutor's office and pressured to convert to Islam. They were
    also threatened with being shot, though the city prosecutor, M. Arzymbetov,
    subsequently denied this to Forum 18 News Service. The prosecutor also
    tried to have a Protestant, Iklas Aldungarov, expelled from his university
    medical course, but the university rector, Oral Ataniyazova, has resisted
    the pressure. "How and what Aldungarov believes is his own personal
    business, and we do not have the right to interfere with it," she told
    Forum 18. She added that a very large number of young people in the region
    are becoming Christians. "Evidently, the Christian churches have managed to
    set up a competent, well conceived operation here. I do not think that is a
    bad thing. Let's see the mosques here work as well as the Christian
    churches." Pressure on Protestants elsewhere in Uzbekistan is also
    * See full article below. *

    21 April 2004
    By Igor Rotar, Central Asia Correspondent, Forum 18 News Service

    Amid a major crackdown on a group of Protestants in Nukus, the capital of
    the Karakalpakstan [Qoraqalpoghiston] autonomous republic in north-western
    Uzbekistan, eleven members of a local congregation, the Church of Christ,
    have been summoned for questioning at the public prosecutor's office, where
    they were pressured to renounce their faith and convert to Islam. They now
    face fines in court. "All of them are members of an unregistered religious
    organisation," Nukus city prosecutor M. Arzymbetov told Forum 18 News
    Service on 19 April. "The activity of unregistered organisations is
    forbidden by law." He denied reports Forum 18 had received that the
    Protestants had been coarsely insulted and threatened with being shot. "It
    wasn't I who spoke to the Protestants, but my assistant Kasym
    Davletmuradov. He is a very bright man and he is not capable of such a
    thing." Arzymbetov also tried to have church member Iklas Aldungarov
    expelled from his university in retaliation for his participation in the
    church, though so far Aldungarov has held onto his place.

    The crackdown began on 1 April, when Arzymbetov wrote to the rector of the
    Medical University, Oral Ataniyazova, to inform her that Aldungarov, a
    final year student, was taking part in "an illegal religious sect", the
    Church of Christ. The letter, of which Forum 18 has a copy, told her that
    the public prosecutor had evidence that Aldungarov had violated Article 240
    part 1 (breaking the law on religious organisations) and Article 241
    (breaking the law on giving religious instruction) of the code of
    administrative offences and that the case had already been passed to the
    court. Describing "attracting people to other religious confessions",
    distributing religious literature and organising meetings as "a crude
    violation of the law" impermissible among students, the prosecutor called
    for Aldungarov to be removed from the university and to confirm that this
    had been done by 10 April.

    Sources told Forum 18 that Aldungarov had never had any problems before,
    has never been detained or had literature confiscated.

    Arzymbetov confirmed that he had written to the university about
    Aldungarov, but denied that he had ordered that he be expelled. "I simply
    recommended that the rector should keep an eye on her students," he claimed
    to Forum 18. "The question of Aldungarov's expulsion did not arise and he
    remains a student there."

    Yet university rector Ataniyazova confirmed that the public prosecutor's
    letter had recommended that Aldungarov be excluded but insisted she had
    rejected such pressure. "We replied to the prosecutor that Aldungarov's
    religious beliefs do not have any bearing on his studies, and therefore we
    consider it simply unethical to consider such a letter," she told Forum 18
    from Nukus on 16 April. "How and what Aldungarov believes is his own
    personal business, and we do not have the right to interfere with it." She
    said that a very large number of young people in Karakalpakstan are
    converting to Christianity. "Evidently, the Christian churches have managed
    to set up a competent, well conceived operation here. I do not think that
    is a bad thing. Let's see the mosques here work as well as the Christian

    At the same time she claimed that Aldungarov was a very poor student.
    "Every session he fails two or three exams. But I want to stress that we
    are not going to make a connection between Aldungarov's progress and his
    religious convictions."

    In the wake of the attempt to oust Aldungarov from the university, the
    National Security Service (former KGB) secret police and the public
    prosecutor's office then widened their crackdown, beginning on 9 March to
    summon other church members for questioning.

    Protestant sources told Forum 18 that Arzymbetov, his assistant M.
    Utemuratov, and investigator Davletmuratov tried to force those summoned to
    sign statements admitting that they had participated in "illegal" religious
    meetings and training. When one church member Mahset Jabbabergenov refused
    to sign the documents, Arzymbetov reportedly began swearing at him and
    threatening to imprison if he did not sign. When the threats had no impact,
    he reportedly declared: "You Christians should all be shot!" Officials from
    the public prosecutor's office also insisted that Jabbabergenov, Aldungarov
    and the other Protestants - Arzubay Abenov, Bahadir Joushimov, Kolbuy
    Joushimov, Timur Uralbaev, Miruert Muratova, Abbat Allamuratov, Aygul
    Allamuratova and Muhamed Saitov - should give up their Christian faith and
    become Muslims. Other local Protestants were later summoned for

    "Although the authorities had no facts to prove the accusation they kept
    inviting everybody who had any connection with Christianity and questioning
    them," one Protestant source who preferred not to be identified told Forum
    18. "If during the questioning they heard any names they summoned those
    people to the office."

    Meanwhile, pressure has continued on Protestants in other parts of the
    country. On 10 March the criminal court for Yakkasaroy district of the
    capital Tashkent fined six Protestants - Salimjon Babakulov, Mardjon
    Nurulov, Olim Mamurov, Nadira Tadjikulova, Nargiza Tadjikulova and Jamilya
    Makhmudova. They were punished for holding religious meetings in private
    apartments under Article 240 and Article 241 of the administrative code.

    In another incident in Tashkent, on 9 March police raided and cut short a
    meeting being held by around 10 Protestants on the premises of the Harvest
    company. Uzbek citizens present were each fined five times the minimum
    wage, or 27,200 soms (183 Norwegian kroner, 22 Euros or 27 US dollars). The
    South Korean citizens who were present at the meeting were "recommended" to
    leave the country for engaging in "unlawful religious activity".

    Meanwhile on 23 March the deputy head of the justice department for
    Tashkent region, Sh. Khaknazarov, ordered a founding group that was seeking
    registration for a Protestant church on Friendship collective farm near
    Tashkent to revise its registration application, claiming it contained
    "grammatical errors". "Every time, the justice administration deliberately
    concentrates in its letters only on some inaccuracies, so that next time
    they can once again refuse registration supposedly for objective reasons,"
    one Protestant who preferred not to be named told Forum 18. "In fact,
    officials are simply dragging their feet so that the church cannot
    function." (See also F18News 18 March 2004 )

    Elsewhere, Baptists of the Council of Churches who refuse on principle to
    register with the authorities told Forum 18 on 10 April that Viktor
    Otmakhov, whose home in the town of Angren near Tashkent is used for
    services, was summoned to the town's public prosecutor's office on 1 April
    and questioned for five hours. Deputy public prosecutor Nurlan Bainazarov
    demanded that he name all those who attend services and give their home
    addresses, but Otmakhov refused. Bainazarov then threatened to start a
    criminal case against him. He was given a written warning that if he does
    not stop services in his home, arrests, fines and other unspecified
    punishments will follow.

    These incidents are the latest in a continuing series of attacks on
    Protestants across Uzbekistan (eg. see F18News 4 March 2004 ) and take place in the
    context of the current post-terrorist bombing crackdown against people of
    all faiths (see F18 News 13 April ).

    For more background, see Forum 18's latest religious freedom survey at

    A printer-friendly map of Uzbekistan is available at .html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=uzbeki

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