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ASBAREZ Online [06-28-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [06-28-2004]


    1- Armenian Patriarch Meets US President
    2- Oskanian, Gul Meet in Istanbul
    3- Congress Best Bet for US Recognition of Genocide
    4- Chirac Slams Bush for Interfering in Turkey's EU Bid
    5- Armenia Marks Tenth Anniversary of Military Academy

    1- Armenian Patriarch Meets US President

    ISTANBUL (Haybad/Zaman)--While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    Summit may be headlining US President George W. Bush's trip to Istanbul,
    Turkey, he took time out on Sunday to meet with various religious leaders.
    Bush met with President of Religious Affairs Ali Bardakoglu, Istanbul Mufti
    Mustafa Cagrici, Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomeos, Armenian Patriarch Mesrob
    Mutafyan, Chief Rabbi Ishak Haleva and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yusuf
    In his opening remarks, Bush welcomed the religious leaders, and referred to
    Turkey "with its mosaic of faiths and cultures," as a good model of secular
    democracy--in spite of its predominantly Muslim population.
    When a journalist asked at the end of the meeting if the participants had any
    particular message, Bush said that he came together with important
    personalities from different religions and faiths and had "an excellent
    meeting." Bush added that the religious leaders represented the best side of
    Patriarch Mutafyan had an opportunity to speak to Bush about the situation of
    Turkey's non-Muslim population, and stressed that for minorities to exist in
    Turkey--or for any ethnic or national minority to exist anywhere--three
    institutions must be guaranteed: First, places of worship to preserve
    heritage and to nourish the spiritual life of the community; second,
    schools to
    teach language and culture; and third, foundations to fund religious and
    educational activities and the necessary personnel to keep them active. The
    minorities in Turkey, he stressed, are attempting to maintain those
    institutions for the future and well-being of their communities.
    The Patriarch also stressed that though religious leaders attempt to stick to
    spiritual edification, and stay out of politics, certain instances call
    for, if
    not political involvement, at least a moral response.
    Mutafyan told the press that the religious leaders conveyed their concerns to
    Bush about the violent incidents they witness every time the turn on the
    television. Bush reportedly responded, "Believe me, these do not reflect our
    real face. Justice will deal with some of the incidents you see on television,
    particularly those in the prison in Baghdad."
    Fener Greek Patriarch Bartholomeos indicated that they discussed the role of
    religion and Turkey's religious mosaic. "President Bush said that the
    mosaic was very important for Turkey and that it is an asset to the
    country. In
    order to maintain this, all the religions need to raise their own religious
    leaders. Otherwise, the mosaic will disappear," recalled Bartholomeos.
    White House National Security Adviser Condolezza Rice, Secretary of State
    Colin Powell and the US Ankara Ambassador Eric Edelman also attended Bush's
    meeting with religious leaders.
    Before leaving, Patriarch Mutafyan presented the following letter to

    "Dear Mr. President,

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome your visit to our country on the
    occasion of the NATO summit here in Istanbul.
    The Armenians of Turkey, constituting by far the largest Christian community
    in this country, have long cherished, with affection and amity, the United
    States of America, which, besides having a historic friendship and alliance
    with Turkey, also has welcomed to its shores many of our kinsmen since the
    second half of the 19th century.
    It is because of these warm sentiments, that I feel able to express the
    uneasiness we feel at the escalating level of violence which has been
    across the globe and which is especially pressing in the Middle East region,
    where we also live.
    I personally believe that you, Mr. Bush, as the president of a great country
    that leads the world, have the authority to affect the course of events, and
    this is why I would like to voice my anxiety.
    War, terror, torture, embargo, marginalization, defamation or
    condescension...Whatever form violence takes, it always leads to consequences
    which are not in accord with human dignity. Instead it leaves indelible scars
    in memories and generates lasting enmities between peoples. Throughout
    there has never been an act of violence or retaliation which has not harmed
    innocent. Sadly, the consequence is usually that violence begets more
    This is why, even when seeking to serve legitimate, higher ideals such as
    establishing peace, upholding democracy or preventing terror, the resort to
    violence, merely culminates in more pain and suffering to the innocent,
    especially children.
    Throughout history, when governments have resorted to force when
    challenged by
    violence or even civil unrest, it often effectively became collective
    punishments of whole nations or peoples. What has happened recently in
    Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sudan are clear examples. This cannot be a
    portrayal of sublime sentiments and indeed, to many it is viewed as revenge, a
    sentiment which cannot coexist with civilization.
    I believe that the United States of America and her President, have the
    ability to preserve the values they struggle for without resorting to violence
    in all its terrible diversity. It is sufficient to maintain their trust in
    in their sense of vocation and ultimate potential for good. Whenever we
    violence we are already diminished and the high moral and religious ideals to
    which we aspire are betrayed.
    Mr. President, I can imagine to a certain extent the pressures that you must
    be undergoing at present and therefore please be assured of my prayerful
    support. May God be in all visions for world peace and may He protect us all
    from losing our faith.
    With my sincere good wishes,
    Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey

    2- Oskanian, Gul Meet in Istanbul

    ISTANBUL (AFP/Armenpress/RFE/RL)--Under pressure by North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), Armenia, Azerbaijan and
    pledged on Monday to seek to resolve their tangled disputes through trilateral
    The foreign ministers of the three troubled neighbors, Vartan Oskanian of
    Armenia, Elmar Mamedyarov of Azerbaijan, and Abdullah Gul of Turkey met on the
    sidelines of the NATO summit in Istanbul.
    "The dialogue was quite good," Oskanian told reporters after the meeting. "I
    have nothing concrete to state at this point, but the meeting was quite
    positive. . . This was a meeting between the three equal sides which have
    interests and benefits in the region"
    Referring to the enlargement of the EU and NATO, Oskanian said, "We need to
    shape a new strategic vision for the Caucasus so that we can keep pace with
    developments around us."
    Emphasizing that both NATO and the EU were anxious to stabilize the
    conflict-torn Caucasian region, Gul told reporters after the meeting that they
    had discussed "ways and means of cooperating to achieve stability through
    constructive means."
    He said he and his counterparts had agreed to hold further trilateral
    later in the year.
    Mamedyarov added: "We will try to do our best to bring peace and stability to
    the region."
    Armenia and Azerbaijan are divided by a long-standing dispute Mountainous
    A close ally of Azerbaijan, Turkey has declined to establish diplomatic ties
    with Armenia and remains bitter at Yerevan's efforts to secure international
    recognition of the Armenian genocide by Ottoman Turkey.
    Ankara is under pressure by the EU (which it seeks to join) to re-open its
    border with Armenia, which it closed in 1993 in a show of solidarity with

    Oskanian told reporters he had discussed the issue with Gul in a bilateral
    meeting earlier in the day, but it would be premature to expect an immediate
    re-opening of the border.
    Oskanian used his participation in the NATO summit, marred by violent clashes
    between Turkish police and left-wing protesters, to meet with Patriarch Mesrob
    Mutafian, the spiritual leader of Turkey's small Armenian community. He also
    delivered a speech to a group of Istanbul Armenians.

    3- Congress Best Bet for US Recognition of Genocide

    YEREVAN (YERKIR)As Turkey remains a key ally of the United States and is a
    member of NATO, the US administration's position on the Genocide issue is not
    likely to change, Armenia's ambassador to the US
    Arman Kirakossian, told Armenpress, responding to whether the US would change
    its policy [on Armenian genocide recognition] if Democratic presidential
    candidate John Kerry were to win the November election. Ambassador
    Kirakossian noted that both former president Bill Clinton and the incumbent
    George W. Bush promised to recognize the Armenian genocide but did not
    stick to
    their promises. "A shift in this policy can be expected only by working
    with US
    Congress," Kirakossian noted.

    4- Chirac Slams Bush for Interfering in Turkey's EU Bid

    (AFP)--French President Jacques Chirac bluntly criticized George W. Bush on
    Monday for supporting Turkey's bid to join the European Union, saying the US
    President had "gone too far".
    On Sunday, Bush publicly endorsed Turkey's bid, telling Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara: "I will remind the people of this good country that
    you ought to be given a date by the EU for your eventual acceptance into the
    Chirac told a news conference on the sidelines on the NATO summit here: "Not
    only did he go too far, he ventured into territory which is not his concern."
    The French president, who is among the EU leaders most firmly opposed to
    Turkish membership of the EU, added: "It would be like me telling the United
    States how to run its affairs with Mexico."

    5- Armenia Marks Tenth Anniversary of Military Academy

    YEREVAN (NoyanTapan)--During a June 27 ceremony marking the 10th
    anniversary of
    Armenia's Vazgen Sargisian Military Institute, 270 graduates received their
    diplomas and military shoulder-straps in the presence of President Robert
    Kocharian, Prime Minister Antranig Margarian, Defense Minister Serge
    parliamentarians, government officials and high-ranking military personnel.
    The prime minister said that the institute, established during arduous times
    for the newly independent Armenia, has succeeded in preparing experienced and
    skilled military personnel.
    "If Azerbaijan had the slightest doubt about the Armenian Army's military
    power, they would have surely restarted the war by now," said the Defense
    Ministry's Chief of Staff and Defense Minister Colonel General Mikhael

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