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Schwarzenegger names Deukmejian to head prison reform panel

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  • Schwarzenegger names Deukmejian to head prison reform panel

    Schwarzenegger names Deukmejian to head prison reform panel

    The Associated Press
    March 5, 2004, Friday, BC cycle

    By DON THOMPSON, Associated Press Writer


    Former Gov. George Deukmejian will chair an independent review panel
    charged with finding ways to "turn around the crisis of confidence" in
    California's youth and adult correctional systems, Gov. Arnold
    Schwarzenegger said Friday.

    Panel members said they plan a report by June, including
    recommendations on prison closures and the future of San Quentin, the
    state's oldest prison that sits on prime development land.

    Critics noted "Iron Duke" Deukmejian, who held office from 1983-91,
    helped build the state's prison system into the nation's largest
    during a law-and-order administration.

    That system has become Schwarzenegger's biggest unexpected policy
    crisis since he took office after October's recall election, diverting
    attention from his attempts to rein in the state's massive budget

    A federal court-appointed monitor found that a prison employee "code
    of silence" protects wrongdoers and punishes whistleblowers, and
    recommended the Department of Corrections' former director be charged
    with contempt of court.

    A series of scathing national experts' reports criticized the
    California Youth Authority as a cruel version of the adult prison
    system, unable to meet its responsibility to rehabilitate children
    before it's too late.

    And the system's spending is out of control, routinely exceeding its
    budget by hundreds of millions of dollars. A lucrative labor contract
    with the powerful California Correctional Peace Officers Association
    was the focus of the latest in a series of state Senate oversight
    hearings Thursday.

    Friday's announcement came the same day as a sentencing reform group,
    the Justice Policy Institute, released a study panning California's
    decade-old "three strikes" law, championed by Schwarzenegger adviser
    and former Gov. Pete Wilson, as ineffective and unfair to minorities
    and nonviolent offenders.

    There are no boundaries on the panel's recommendations, including
    sentencing changes, said Joseph Gunn, who was named the panel's
    executive director. Gunn was executive director of the Los Angeles
    Board of Police Commissioners and co-chaired the independent review
    panel that investigated the city's Rampart police corruption case.

    He said Schwarzenegger is concerned the youth authority is "set up for
    the 1950s and not the 2000s, and maybe they have to be brought up to
    modern times."

    When it comes to breaking the alleged "code of silence," Gunn said,
    "This is not something you're going to change overnight. This goes
    back to a whole ethics and culture issue" that may involve wholesale

    Panel consultants are Robin Dezember, Deukmejian's former
    undersecretary of the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency and Wilson's
    former chief deputy finance director; and George Camp, a former
    administrator in the federal, New York and Missouri prison systems,
    now with the Criminal Justice Institute in Middletown, Conn.

    Schwarzenegger said Deukmejian's experience as a legislator, state
    attorney general and governor makes him the ideal chairman.

    "George Deukmejian presided over one of the biggest prison-building
    programs in the history of the world, and that's no exaggeration. His
    record on prison reform is not good," countered Rose Braz of the
    sentencing and prison reform groups Critical Resistance and a new
    coalition called Californians United for A Responsible Budget.

    "We know what kind of reforms are needed" after years of audits,
    investigations and reports by experts and blue ribbon panels, Braz
    said. "What we need now is the political will to do it."

    Panel members said their charge is to tell Schwarzenegger quickly
    which of those recommendations should be accepted, and how they can be

    The panel will examine the corrections system's "ethics and culture;"
    organization and operations; safety practices for inmates, employees
    and the public; and personnel and training programs.

    The panel will report directly to Schwarzenegger as part of the larger
    "performance review" his administration is conducting to increase
    efficiency and accountability in state government. In that light, the
    corrections panel also will look at cutting the system's costs,
    including shuttering prisons.

    Braz' coalition of 36 prison and sentencing reform groups said
    Schwarzenegger should close at least three prisons and cancel plans
    for a new maximum security facility at Delano if he wants to see cost
    savings from the Corrections Department's plan to trim 15,000 inmates.

    That plan relies mainly on returning fewer parole violators to
    prison. Department spokeswoman Margot Bach said the training academy
    will produce no new classes of correctional officers this year as a
    result, concentrating instead on training more parole officers.

    On the Net:
    California Department of Corrections:
    California Youth Authority:
    Critical Resistance: