The Porterville Recorder, CA
March 20 2004

Bible study series to take place at First Armenian Presbyterian

By The Porterville Recorder staff

"The Last Journey," an exploration of the Gospel of Luke, is the
theme of the 2004 Lenten Bible Study Series at the First Armenian
Presbyterian Church of Fresno.

The series will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 1
and April 8. on April 8. Lent is the 40-day period of prayer and
preparation preceding the celebration of Easter.

Study leaders Kenneth Bedrosian, Larry Shapazian, Arpi Keledjian,
Carolyn Halajian and Robert and Arevig Adjemian will cover the topics
as "Following Jesus is Being on the Same Journey" (Luke 9:51-62),
"How Can I Join the Journey" (Luke 10:25-37, "Carrying the Weakness"
(Luke 17:1-6), and "His Journey, His Standards" (Luke 22:24-27).

Studies will be held in a variety of locations, including Southeast
Fresno with hosts Jack and Grace Chavoor (453-0403); Central Fresno
with hosts Mardiros and Maral Afarian (237-6638); Northwest Fresno
with hostess Lucille Paul (432-3592); Northeast Fresno in the English
Language with hosts Jerry and Nelda Baker (434-6194); and Northeast
Fresno and Clovis in the Armenian Language with hosts Nerses and
Kenarig Kalayjian (323-5095).

The Study Series will culminate at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 8,
with a Moundy Thursday meal and special program to commemorate
Christ's institution of Holy Communion at the Last Supper. The Maundy
Thursday observance will take place in the church Fellowship Hall,
located at 430 S. First St., midway between Huntington Boulevard and
the Kings Canyon Road Promenade. Childcare and special meals for
children age 8 and younger will be provided and parents are
encouraged to call the church offices at 237-6638 to make

The church will observe Holy Week with an 11 a.m. Praise Service on
Palm Sunday, April 4, and Easter Sunday, April 11. The services will
mark the triumphal entry of Jesus of Nazareth into Jerusalem, His
Passion and Crucifixion and His Resurrection.

The public is warmly invited to participate in the Lenten season
studies and services. More details are available by calling 237-6638.

Chartered on July 25, 1897, FAPC is a multi-generational congregation
drawn from the New and Old Worlds. The Reverence Mgrdich Melkonian is
the Senior Pastor and the Reverend Samuel Albarian is the Associate
Pastor for Mission and Outreach.

FAPC is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and
the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America.