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The Karabakh Question: After a decade of cease-fire, now what?

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  • The Karabakh Question: After a decade of cease-fire, now what?

    April 2004

    The Karabakh Question: After a decade of cease-fire, now what?

    Tony Halpin

    The ceasefire that ended the fighting in Nagorno Karabakh between Azerbaijan
    and Armenian forces sees its 10th anniversary in May. It is a date that is
    both a remarkable landmark and a symbol of the continued elusiveness of a
    permanent solution to the conflict.

    February marked an older anniversary, the 16th year since the emergence of
    the Karabakh Movement that was the catalyst for the independence of Armenia.
    The two events define the modern republic and its relationship with the
    worldwide Diaspora, perhaps even more than recognition of the Genocide in
    the immediacy of its importance for the future security of the Armenian

    Few of the one million people who massed in the streets of Yerevan in those
    early heady days of demonstrations would have predicted that Armenia would
    have a Karabakhtsi as head of state within a decade and another as defense
    minister. Fewer still might have believed that the "Karabakh Question" would
    remain unsolved in the international arena.

    That question is settled in the minds of the men and women on the street,
    who have paid a terrible price in blood and endured massive economic
    sacrifice to secure military victory and Artsakh's (historic Armenian name
    of Karabakh) independent status. But it remains open to interpretation in
    the arena of international politics and there are many signs that 2004 will
    see a marked increase in the pressure for a final settlement.

    President Robert Kocharian occupies a unique position. His political
    authority as a wartime leader and former President of Karabakh is viewed by
    many as a guarantee that he won't make concessions that undermine the
    country's de facto independence. Conversely, he is seen as someone who can
    sell possibly painful concessions to the Armenian public, in Armenia,
    Karabakh and further afield, precisely because of his political authority.
    He runs the risk of being damned if he does, therefore, and damned if he

    The suggestion of compromise with Azerbaijan was enough to force former
    president Levon Ter Petrosian from office in 1998, partly at the hands of
    Kocharian, whom he had brought to Yerevan as Prime Minister. Kocharian does
    not forget that he owes his present position to negative public reaction and
    that he may lose it the same way.

    That political crisis exposed a philosophical divide at the top of the
    Armenian leadership. The Ter Petrosian faction considered a settlement to
    the conflict an essential precondition of economic recovery for Armenia,
    burdened by the impact of the Azerbaijani blockade and the cost of
    sustaining the defense of Karabakh, and that it could be achieved through a
    step-by-step process of confidence-building measures. Kocharian represented
    the view that a stronger Armenian economy was possible without a settlement
    and would improve the prospects of achieving one through an all-embracing
    package deal.

    The latter policy has dominated for five years now and Armenia's economy has
    certainly improved, recording the fastest growth of any former Soviet
    republic in 2003. This year will likely put Kocharian's argument to the
    test: Has his hand been strengthened in striking a deal-or perhaps resisting
    one-with Azerbaijan under the auspices of the international mediators in the
    Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
    (OSCE)? Or has pursuit of a "package" solution over step-by-step measures
    weakened Armenia's bargaining position through delay?

    About the only thing that unites the different elements of the divided
    political landscape in Yerevan is the view that a settlement must
    incorporate one of these two objectives. The gray area is what may be
    conceded to achieve it and whether it is achievable at all in the face of
    Azerbaijan's repeated refusal to entertain any solution that does not leave
    Karabakh under Baku's jurisdiction.

    The position of the government in Stepanakert is clear: Karabakh must either
    be independent or reunited with Armenia. One of the ironies of Kocharian's
    elevation in Yerevan, however, has been Karabakh's relegation from any
    involvement in talks on its future status. Armenia used to argue that the
    issue was best addressed by dialogue between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, in
    which it was the guarantor of Karabakh's security. Kocharian, however, has
    taken upon himself the responsibility of representing the position of both
    Karabakh and Armenia, dropping any pretense that the two may be separate.

    In many ways this is only common sense (though diplomatically it may cause
    problems). Stepanakert remains dependent on Yerevan for financial support,
    encouragement of inward investment, and transport links to the wider world.
    It could not support anything at odds with Armenia's view of the conflict,
    even assuming there were circumstances in which it would wish to.

    Drive the road from Yerevan to Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh-the
    linking Artsakh section built with money raised in the Diaspora-and the two
    already feel as one. Nothing any longer defines the strip of land between
    Armenia and Artsakh as Azeri territory. Only a road sign and a traffic
    police post mark the passage into Nagorno Karabakh Republic, as if you were
    driving from one region of Armenia into another.

    Kocharian has made plain that a final settlement must include a common
    border between Armenia and Artsakh and it is inconceivable that it could be
    any other way now. The land between the two is being populated with Armenian
    families, creating facts on the ground that the Minsk Group mediators will
    find impossible to ignore.

    The secrecy that envelopes the negotiating process, however, makes it almost
    impossible to divine the shape of the settlement being put together by the
    mediators. Kocharian and the late Heydar Aliyev were believed to have
    achieved the outline of a deal at the Key West summit hosted by Secretary of
    State Colin Powell in 2001, only for it to break down after the latter
    balked at selling it to his public.

    With power now passed to Aliyev's son Ilham as president, the question is
    whether discussions pick up where they left off or whether the new Aliyev
    has a different perspective on the future shape of a deal. Kocharian's
    meeting with him in Geneva late last year was little more than an
    opportunity to look his opponent in the eye to see what measure of a man he
    was dealing with. The hard bargaining remains and always with the risk that
    the outcome may be derailed by negative public reaction in either country
    once the details are revealed. In that regard, Kocharian's recent offer to
    put any proposals to a referendum can be viewed in two lights. Approval by
    the public narrows the scope for being ousted by hardliners in the manner of
    Ter Petrosian. Kocharian also knows that public rejection in a vote offers
    him an escape route from international pressure to agree to an
    unsatisfactory deal involving, for example, an exchange of territory
    involving the southern Meghri region.

    Two issues could break the deadlock. One, inevitably, is oil. Construction
    of the pipeline from Baku to Ceyhan in Turkey is well advanced and oil is
    expected to start flowing by the middle of next year. Azerbaijan is on the
    brink of a boom in which it expects to earn some $20 billion in oil revenues
    over the next two decades. For comparison, Armenia's total state budget this
    year is about $480 million.

    It does not follow, as some commentators insist, that a newly wealthy
    Azerbaijan will rearm for the specific purpose of launching a war of
    "liberation" over Karabakh. Desperate people fight because they have nothing
    to lose. The more comfortable life becomes in Baku, the less likely its
    young men will be willing to exchange the pleasures of a consumer life for
    the prospect of a painful death in a land most will never have seen. Far
    from fueling conflict, oil may give Azerbaijan a reason to avoid war and an
    incentive to seek a deal with Armenia. Azeri prosperity, therefore, may
    become a security goal for Armenia and certainly a bargaining chip in
    securing a settlement that allows Baku to enjoy the fruits of its good
    fortune while giving Karabakh effective independence.

    The second issue relates to Kocharian's changed status. With the senior
    Aliyev's death and the sudden demise of Eduard Shevardnadze in Georgia's
    "rose revolution", Armenia's president has gone from junior head of state to
    elder statesman of the Caucasus. Georgia's new young president Mikhail
    Saakashvili has already expressed a determination to build closer ties with
    Armenia. Separatist movements in different parts of Georgia present him with
    considerable challenges in holding his country together.

    It may be that Kocharian can achieve a permanent solution to the Karabakh
    issue by enlarging the context to include a broader common view of Caucasus
    stability. All three countries in the region have an interest in avoiding
    war and promoting prosperity, yet each is locked into narrow ethnic
    conflicts whose resolution appear to demand a winner and a loser. Seeking
    common approaches to securing minority rights may permit them to escape the
    traps of a Soviet landscape that was never designed to serve their

    Perhaps his seniority would give Kocharian an opportunity to take just such
    an initiative. Now into his second term, he knows that history's judgement
    of him will be shaped by his ability to settle the Karabakh Question, the
    issue that formed him as a man and that brought him to the presidency. He
    feels the pressure of time. It remains to be seen whether 2004 will provide
    the opportunity for him to seize the moment.