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BAKU: Azeri minister warns of humanitarian crisis in Armenian-occupi

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  • BAKU: Azeri minister warns of humanitarian crisis in Armenian-occupi

    Azeri minister warns of humanitarian crisis in Armenian-occupied Karabakh

    Turan news agency, Baku
    24 Nov 04

    Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has said that Baku is
    concerned about a "massive" settlement programme carried out by Armenia
    on Azerbaijan's occupied lands while holding peace talks to resolve the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. Addressing a UN General Assembly session,
    he warned of a humanitarian crisis that may arise if the problem
    persisted. The minister also said that Azerbaijan did not intend
    to put the issue of the conflict resolution onto the UN agenda. The
    following is the text of the report by Azerbaijani news agency Turan:

    New York, 24 November: "The situation in the occupied territories of
    Azerbaijan" has been discussed at the 59th session of the UN in New
    York. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov addressed the
    session. The minister noted that UN Security Council SC resolutions
    Nos 822, 853, 874 and 884 issued in 1993 are the basis for resolving
    the conflict, a source from Azerbaijan's resident representation at
    the UN told Turan.

    Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan has been abiding by the cease-fire
    for 10 years, which testifies to Baku's aspiration to settle the
    conflict peacefully. He also informed the audience of a series of
    meetings between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia
    in Prague mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group. During these meetings,
    the parties discussed the main parameters of the settlement of the
    conflict, including the liberation of all the occupied territories,
    the return of displaced persons to their native lands, the restoration
    of transport and other communications between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    and the gradual solution of the political side of the conflict.

    However, Armenia is massively populating the occupied territories
    while negotiations are being held and this causes Azerbaijan's
    "concern". Earlier, this used to be episodic, but Armenia has
    recently organized a massive settlement programme. This programme is
    being implemented by the department for refugees and migrants of the
    Armenian government and is called "Return to Karabakh". The programme
    is financed with funds that Yerevan allocates to Karabakh separatists,
    the Azerbaijani foreign minister said.

    Causing special concern is the situation in Lacin District, where
    Armenia has already settled 13,000 Armenians. The names of Azerbaijani
    villages and settlements have been Armenified. The Armenian diaspora
    is taking a direct part in this programme, which aims at populating
    Nagornyy Karabakh with Armenian migrants.

    The Armenian government is also using its armed forces located in the
    occupied lands of Azerbaijan to set up new residential areas, and
    two residential areas have been constructed in Kalbacar with their
    participation. Hundreds of Armenians from Iran, Russia, Lebanon and
    other countries are being settled there and get numerous privileges
    from the Armenian government. In particular, they get material
    assistance and long-term loans to restore the houses that were
    originally owned by Azerbaijanis.

    The Armenian government intends to bring the number of the Armenian
    population in the occupied Azerbaijani territories to 300,000 by 2010.

    Mammadyarov said these and other facts were reflected in the reports
    by the US State Department and some foreign media. "The settlement
    policy being pursued by Armenia contradicts the corresponding UN SC
    resolutions, international humanitarian law and in particular the
    Geneva Convention of 1949 and confirms Armenia's claims to Azerbaijani
    lands," Mammadyarov said.

    Azerbaijan introduced draft resolution A/59/L at the General Assembly,
    the minister said. However, Azerbaijan doesn't intend to put the issue
    of the settlement onto the UN agenda. But if the issues disrupting
    the peace process remain unsolved, it will lead to a humanitarian
    crisis. Armenia should "deport" the Armenians that were settled in the
    occupied territories and guarantee that this will never happen again,
    the minister warned.

    The representatives of Turkey and Pakistan supported Azerbaijan's
    position at the assembly. They said the settlement of the conflict
    is possible only on the basis of observing sovereignty, territorial
    integrity and international law.

    Armenia's representative Armen Martirosyan attempted to deny the
    abovementioned facts. He said there is no need for the involvement
    of the General Assembly in the issue. The Armenian diplomat also said
    that Nagornyy Karabakh has never been and will never be a constituent
    part of Azerbaijan. A US representative speaking on behalf of the
    co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group said that Azerbaijan's concern
    may be addressed at the OSCE. He supported Azerbaijan's proposal to
    establish a group of experts to investigate these facts.

    Stressing that the discussions of the text of the resolution continue,
    the chairman of the session adjourned voting.

    Commenting on the hearings, Mammadyarov stressed their importance. "It
    is difficult to talk about results yet, but Azerbaijan has managed to
    tell the international community the truth about Armenia populating
    Azerbaijani territories. Azerbaijan's position in this issue remains
    unchanged: all the occupied territories should be liberated and
    displaced persons should return to their native lands."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress