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Growing pressure for a fresh vote

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  • Growing pressure for a fresh vote

    Economist, UK
    Nov 29 2004

    Growing pressure for a fresh vote

    Nov 29th 2004
    >From The Economist Global Agenda

    As Ukraine's supreme court begins hearing the opposition's
    accusations of widespread fraud in the presidential election,
    pressure is growing for a new vote to be held - this time, a clean one

    THOUSANDS of supporters of Ukraine's rival presidential
    candidates - the pro-western opposition leader, Victor Yushchenko, and
    the pro-Moscow prime minister, Victor Yanukovich - chanted their names
    outside the supreme court building in Kiev on Monday November 29th,
    as the court began hearing Mr Yushchenko's allegations of widespread
    ballot fraud. At the weekend, Ukraine's parliament voted to declare
    invalid the election, in which Mr Yanukovich supposedly beat his
    rival by a margin of three percentage points. Though the parliament
    has no formal power to overturn the election and demand a new one,
    its vote may influence the supreme court's decision. It is also bound
    to have encouraged the huge crowds of Mr Yushchenko's supporters that
    have thronged Kiev's main square and blockaded some of the capital's
    main roads and public buildings for the past week.

    Mr Yanukovich's hopes of upholding his dubious claim to the
    presidency received a further blow on Monday, when one of his most
    important aides appeared to jump ship. Serhiy Tyhypko, the governor
    of the country's central bank, who has been doubling up as Mr
    Yanukovich's campaign manager, announced he was quitting both jobs.
    According to some reports, Mr Tyhypko also said he now accepts that a
    re-run of the election - which Mr Yushchenko has demanded - would be the
    best option.

    America and the European Union are also backing the opposition
    leader's calls for a re-run - either of both rounds of voting or just
    the run-off between himself and his rival - but this time without the
    absentee ballots which international observers said were used to
    commit illegal multiple voting. On Monday evening, Mr Yanukovich
    finally conceded that he would accept a re-run in two regions where
    fraud has been alleged, if the accusations were proved. His most
    important backer, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, has wavered
    between congratulating his man on his `victory' and calling for the
    dispute to be resolved peaceably in the courts.

    Late last week, high-level envoys from the EU and Russia, the
    presidents of Poland and Lithuania, and Ukraine's outgoing president,
    Leonid Kuchma, held talks with the two candidates to try to broker a
    solution. The talks ended with only an agreement to hold more talks,
    and a joint renunciation of violence from the two rivals. Afterwards,
    Mr Kuchma, who had backed Mr Yanukovich, criticised Mr Yushchenko for
    refusing to call off his supporters' protests and blockades.

    Backers of both sides have continued to raise the stakes: regional
    governments in some of Mr Yanukovich's strongholds in the east of the
    country have begun moves towards declaring autonomy from Kiev if Mr
    Yushchenko gains the presidency - though Mr Yanukovich has distanced
    himself from these moves. Meanwhile, one of Mr Yushchenko's closest
    aides in the parliament gave Mr Kuchma 24 hours to sack Mr Yanukovich
    as prime minister, or they would press for criminal proceedings
    against Mr Kuchma and impose a blockade on his movements.

    Investors are spooked by fears that the turmoil could get even worse.
    On Monday, Ukrainian bonds fell sharply on the financial markets. Mr
    Kuchma gave a warning that the country faced financial collapse `like
    a house of cards' within days. A rapid and clear decision by the
    supreme court might bring about a speedy resolution of the conflict.
    But the court may take some days to arrive at a ruling - and even then,
    there is no guarantee that it will come down clearly on one side or
    the other. Ukraine does not have much of a tradition of an
    independent judiciary, though its supreme court has been known to
    rule against the authorities.

    The outcome of the conflict in Ukraine - the second-largest economy in
    the former Soviet Union - could affect the fate of the rest of eastern
    Europe, including Russia itself. Mr Putin has strongly backed Mr
    Yanukovich in the hope of reasserting Moscow's grip on Russia's `near
    abroad'. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, several of Russia's
    former satellites have broken away to join both the EU and the
    American-led NATO defence alliance. Mr Yushchenko proposes that
    Ukraine do the same, while his rival has argued for maintaining
    strong links with Russia. If Ukraine does now go West, so to speak,
    it may trigger similar movements in those remaining bits of the `near
    abroad' that still cleave to Moscow. Furthermore, if Ukraine starts
    to enjoy western-style human rights and prosperity, voters in Russia
    itself might begin to ask why they cannot have the same.

    On Kiev's streets, among the sea of banners, scarves and hats in
    orange - Mr Yushchenko's campaign colour - can be seen many white-and-red
    Georgian flags. These signal the Ukrainian opposition's desire for a
    repeat of last year's `rose revolution' in Georgia, in which huge but
    peaceful protests forced the country's then president, Edward
    Shevardnadze, to resign following dubious parliamentary elections. In
    the ensuing vote for a new president, the country's pro-western
    opposition leader, Mikhail Saakashvili, emerged victorious.

    However, some less rose-tinted precedents have recently been set by
    other former Soviet states. Only two months ago, Belarus's president,
    Alexander Lukashenka, `won' a rigged referendum to allow him to run
    for re-election. The EU decided last week to tighten its sanctions
    against those in his government it blames for the ballot fraud.
    Azerbaijan and Armenia also held flawed elections last year, in which
    the incumbent regimes stayed in power. There seems little prospect of
    change in these three countries, though the downfall of the old guard
    in Ukraine might lift the spirits of their oppositions.

    While the turmoil continued in Ukraine at the weekend, presidential
    and parliamentary elections were held in Romania - another former
    eastern-block country that is seeking to move westwards. The centrist
    opposition claimed there had been Ukrainian-style ballot stuffing and
    implausibly high turnouts in the strongholds of the governing
    ex-communist party. But, unlike in Ukraine, international observers
    from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
    declared the election to have been largely fair (though they did say
    the reports of irregularities should be investigated). Also unlike in
    Ukraine, both of Romania's main parties are in favour of their
    country joining the EU, which is expected to happen in 2007 - long
    before Ukraine ever might.