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Outcry over jumbo diplomatic gift

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  • Outcry over jumbo diplomatic gift

    Outcry over jumbo diplomatic gift
    By Habib Beary
    BBC News, Bangalore

    BBC News
    Feb 7 2005

    Fears that Veda may not be able to adjust

    A plan to gift an Indian elephant to Armenia has led to an outcry by
    animal rights activists.

    They say six-year-old Veda will find it difficult to adjust to the
    colder climate in the former Soviet republic.

    She is currently lodged at the Bannerghatta national park on the
    outskirts of the southern Indian city of Bangalore.

    Indian animal rights groups have roped in the London-based Born Free
    Foundation (BFF) in their campaign, as they believe it could
    jeopardise the life of the young pachyderm.

    "There are many other ways to improve relations between New Delhi and
    Yerevan, which will not involve the potential suffering and possible
    demise of animals," says BFF chief executive officer Bill Travers.

    The group has written to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seeking
    his intervention to stop Veda's migration.

    In Armenia temperatures are totally unsuitable for Veda

    Dr HA Tanuja, veterinarian

    The Armenian authorities approached India for an elephant to partner
    with Grand, a nine-year-old male elephant at Yerevan zoo.

    Veda was chosen by authorities to replace seven-year-old Komala, who
    died in mysterious circumstances at the century-old Mysore zoo last

    Yerevan zoo director Sahak Abovyan is unimpressed.

    "There are 50,000 elephants in India but they [protesters] just do
    not want to give us one," he is quoted as saying.

    "They do not want the elephant to leave their country. They are very
    odd people."


    People for Animals, which is spearheading the protests, says Veda
    will find it difficult to adjust from India's tropical climate to a
    land where temperatures regularly fall to -14C and below in winter.

    "In Armenia temperatures are totally unsuitable for Veda.

    Veda replaced Komala who died mysteriously

    "Another worry is moving her from a biological park to a zoo where
    she will be confined," says Dr HA Tanuja, a veterinarian attached to
    the group.

    The winter enclosure meant for Veda in Armenia is said to be less
    than 2,500 sq ft, which is not enough to house an elephant.

    Besides the prospect of facing the harsh winter, Veda also faces
    separation from her herd, animal activists say.

    Veda lives with her mother and grandmother and separation is thought
    likely to be extremely painful considering female elephants rarely
    ever leave their herd.

    PFA has launched a petition to mobilise support for their cause.
    School children also recently marched in Bangalore to show their

    "There is support for our movement. We have collected nearly 5,000
    signatures," says Dr Tanuja.

    Keeper keen

    However, Veda's keeper at the national park, Bhaskar, sees nothing
    wrong in sending her to Armenia.

    "There is no need for any worry. They will take care of her," says
    Bhaskar, who will accompany Veda during the initial period of her
    stay there.

    Bhaskar has been looking after Veda since birth.

    "She is a nice and friendly elephant," he says while feeding her

    The local forest department says it has no role in the decision to
    fly out Veda.

    "The central government [in Delhi] has taken a decision. We are only
    following orders," Karnataka Principal Conservator of Wildlife Ram
    Mohan Ray told the BBC.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress