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Armenian opposition angry at new developments over Karabakh

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  • Armenian opposition angry at new developments over Karabakh

    Armenian opposition angry at new developments over Karabakh

    7 Feb 05

    Yerevan, 7 February: A new stage of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
    has started and it is unfavourable to Armenia, the political council of the
    Republic [Anrapetutyun] Party has said in a statement.

    According to the statement, the purpose of this stage is to speed up a
    solution to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict through the involvement of international
    organizations and structures. The UNO, PACE have already got involved in the
    process and the US State Department has made public its official position on
    the Karabakh problem.

    In the meantime, the inviolability of Azerbaijan's borders is being
    highlighted and the idea that Nagornyy Karabakh has no right to self-determination is
    being voiced. The current reality is connected with the alleged "ethnic
    cleansing" by Armenians.

    The authorities of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] are being branded as
    "criminalized and "separatist" and Armenia is being accused of occupying A
    zerbaijani territories. In the light of the above, the failure of the Armenian
    foreign policy and diplomacy is clearly visible. The approaches of the Armenian
    side are not properly understood and defended by international structures.
    Armenia's pro-government camp has been assuring us that all of the above cannot
    have serious consequences and the OSCE Minsk Group is a body dealing with the
    settlement of the conflict, which is wide of the mark. The OSCE Minsk Group's
    factfinding mission shows that it is already implementing the UN instruction,
    the statement said.

    The statement said that as a result of a short-sighted and irresponsible
    policy of the authorities, influential international organizations, one after
    another, are shaping the political and legal basis for the resolution of the
    conflict. They are putting pressure on unmanageable parties to the conflict and by
    and large interfering in the process.

    The people of Armenia may have to deal with either a dishonourable settlement
    agreement or war. The current authorities, who want to maintain their own
    existence at any cost and under false pretences, are unable to amend the

    Once again they are trying to deceive the public by hiding their failures
    behind patriotic jingo. Only a democratic Armenia and the authorities whom
    society trusts completely can remain an ally of the Nagornyy Karabakh people in
    their just struggle for their rights and a fair peace. "Our society should clearly
    realize that true patriotism at present does not mean to bear a grudge
    against the international community but wage a struggle within the country for
    genuine democracy," the statement by the political council of the Anrapetutyun
    Party said.