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National Council of Churches ends middle east visit,issues sobering

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  • National Council of Churches ends middle east visit,issues sobering

    National Council of Churches ends middle east visit, issues sobering statement

    Arabic News
    Feb 9 2005

    Palestine-USA, Politics, 2/8/2005

    "God's children are called to seek justice, to break down the walls
    that separate them, and to live side by side in peace," declares the
    National Council of Churches USA's delegation in its statement issued
    at the close of its Jan. 21-Feb. 4 visit to the Middle East.

    The 11-member delegation asked those with whom it met: "Is there a
    new window of opportunity for peace?" In the statement "Barriers Do
    Not Bring Freedom," the delegation concludes, "A sliver of hope for
    peace does exist, but we feel strongly the moment must be seized now
    or the future will remain dim."

    The council said in a statement: As a delegation of the National
    Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, we traveled across the
    Middle East from Beirut to Cairo to Bethlehem to Jerusalem over the
    past two weeks, from January 21-February 4, 2005 on a mission of
    peace. Our journey coincided with the Week of Prayer for Christian
    Unity. The Middle East Council of Churches and individual partner
    churches have graciously hosted our delegation. We are grateful to
    God for the witness to Christ made by the living churches of the
    Middle East from which we descend. We affirm the whole earth is God's
    holy land, though of course the land of Israel and Palestine holds
    particular importance for us, for it is the land of the Prophets and
    Our Savior. We also affirm that God's children are called to seek
    justice, to break down the walls that separate them, and to live side
    by side in peace.

    Especially for the sake of the children, we have hope that peace
    remains possible and a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine
    can be reached. But for many of us this was our saddest journey to
    the Holy Land. Facts on the ground make time of the utmost essence.
    We posed a question to those with whom we met: "Is there a new window
    of opportunity for peace?" Our conclusion is that a sliver of hope
    for peace does exist, but we feel strongly the moment must be seized
    now or the future will remain dim. As American church leaders, we
    urge our government to take balanced, strategic action now.

    Our word is one of alarm and worry. Current policies promise more
    war, death, and destruction. We are deeply concerned for all people
    in the region whether they be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or of other
    faiths. There are far too many disturbing realities to give us
    confidence. Not only should people everywhere insist on and act for
    peace in the Middle East, they must also pray fervently for the peace
    of Jerusalem.

    We believe that American Christians must see themselves as
    bridge-builders for peace and must not abandon or forget all GodŐs
    children of the Middle East. We heard many pleas from our Christian
    sisters and brothers to raise our voices and work for a just,
    enduring, and comprehensive peace. The rapid disappearance of the
    Christian presence in the Holy Land and, indeed, the entire region
    due to emigration is alarming and can only be reversed if conditions
    are changed for all the peoples of the Middle East. The Christian
    community in the Middle East is a living church, not simply the
    custodian of sacred places for others to visit. We pledged to them we
    will redouble our efforts for an end of the Israeli Occupation of the
    West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, and for an end of the
    U.S. occupation of Iraq.

    We met with Christian, Jewish, and Muslim leaders as well as with a
    wide variety of missionaries, intellectuals, and political officials
    including those of Israel, Palestine, and the United States. Dialogue
    and understanding between all faith communities is not an academic
    exercise in the Middle East; it is absolutely necessary for survival.
    We must all work for a change of heart and a change of mind that
    leads toward reconciliation and harmony. We confess that the life of
    every human being is sacred and that the violent death of anyone is

    Our delegation was in the region at a momentous time: the beginning
    of President Bush's second term in office; the election of a new
    Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and his moves to demilitarize
    the militants; Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's opening move to
    disengage from Gaza; the continued building of Israel's Separation
    Barrier; the killing of a 10-year-old Palestinian girl in the Gaza;
    the exposure of Israel's decision to invoke the Absentee Law which
    has the effect of confiscating Palestinian land in East Jerusalem;
    elections in Iraq; and the 60th anniversary of the liberation of

    We reaffirm our strong support for Israel and for its right to live
    in peace and security. Israel has suffered from a long series of
    suicide bombings, which we find reprehensible. Our support of Israel
    goes back many years, as does our support for justice for the
    Palestinian people. Our itinerary included a visit to Yad Vashem,
    where we honored the victims of Auschwitz and other victims of the
    Holocaust. We met with victims of terror and other representatives of
    a wide spectrum of the Jewish community.

    We understand that the Separation Barrier is being built as a
    deterrent against attacks on Israel. However, we learned 85 percent
    of Israel's Separation Barrier is being built on Palestinian land.
    Much of this is to include West Bank settlements within the Barrier.
    Quite simply, these settlements should never have been built and must
    be removed. Like any other nation, Israel has the right to build a
    Barrier; however one people's barrier should not be built on the land
    of another people. We call for the removal of the Separation Barrier
    from Palestinian territory.

    We personally witnessed the devastating effects of the Barrier.
    Because it is being built not on the 1967 Green Line but primarily on
    Palestinian land, parents are separated from children, husbands from
    wives, farmers from their land, patients from hospitals, workers from
    employers, and local Christians from the holy sites. Palestinian
    leaders long ago accepted a two-state solution giving Palestine 22
    percent of the territory that once comprised Israel, the West Bank,
    and the Gaza Strip. Now, the 22 percent has shrunk considerably due
    to the so-called "natural growth" of Israeli settlements and a vast
    strategic network of roads, highways and tunnels open only to Israeli
    settlers, police, and the military. Palestinians, like people
    everywhere, must have freedom of movement. Palestinian land is
    increasingly being chopped into tiny cantons making the possibility
    of a sustainable Palestinian state unachievable.

    Israel has established hundreds upon hundreds of checkpoints,
    roadblocks, and gates across the Occupied Territories making daily
    life and travel extremely difficult for ordinary Palestinians.
    Palestinians and Israelis are trapped in a cycle of violence. The
    crushing burden of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory
    contributes to deep anger and violent resistance, which contributes
    to fear throughout Israeli society. Israelis told us of a hardening
    of the Israeli soul against Palestinians, and Palestinians told us of
    the desperation they feel under Israel's collective punishment.
    Normal life has ceased. At least half of the Palestinian people live
    in poverty. We were distressed to learn too many Israelis have little
    or no knowledge of the human rights abuses experienced by

    Our delegation witnessed several of the many instances of harassment
    and humiliation visited daily upon Palestinian people. Stereotypes of
    all Palestinians as terrorists must be broken, and Palestinians must
    understand that many Israelis also want a just peace. Presently, a
    "lethal dialogue" is underway between extremists on all sides. This
    must be transformed into a peaceful dialogue. While every leader we
    met - Christian, Jewish, Muslim - condemned violence, it is clear the
    overriding problem is Israel's continuing occupation of Palestinian

    We are authentic friends of Israel and we have a vision of peace and
    security. We are not blind in our support and reserve the right to
    question the actions even of our friends. We believe genuine
    negotiations and not unilateral action can avoid unimaginable
    violence in the future.

    We urge President Bush to send a credible special envoy to assist in
    negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Strong, genuinely
    constructive US action can hasten peace. We ask Secretary of State
    Condoleeza Rice upon her visit to Israel this weekend to touch the
    wall and feel the pain it causes.

    We ask the international community to invest in Palestinian projects
    and businesses. We learned of the pressing need for aid to flow to
    Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem, in addition to other
    occupied territories.

    We will invite Prime Minister Sharon and President Abbas, at the time
    of their next visits to the United States, to meet with ecumenical
    leaders as partners in peacemaking.

    We call on American Christians to contact the President of the United
    States and their Members of Congress to insist U.S. policy be
    balanced toward both Israel and Palestine.

    Middle East churches have a vital role to play as bridge builders and
    peacemakers. We pledge our solidarity with them as part of the One
    Body of Christ and we will look for ways to lift up their presence
    and needs within our churches.

    We affirm and endorse the World Council of Churches' Ecumenical
    Accompaniment Program which assists Palestinians and Israelis in
    their everyday lives and urge our member communions to support and
    participate in this program. We urge people of faith and others in
    the U.S. and from around the world to visit the Middle East and
    better understand the situation for themselves.

    As people of faith, we affirm life. When ancient olive trees are
    uprooted from the soil in which they were planted, when access to
    water is denied, when children's futures are threatened, this does
    not lead to life in this world as intended by God. Join us in prayer
    for the peace of Jerusalem and in seeking justice for all people of
    the Middle East.

    The National Council of Churches is composed of 36 member national
    denominations, which collectively represent 45 million people in
    130,000 congregations. Members of the delegation are:

    *Bishop Thomas L. Hoyt, Jr., Christian Methodist Episcopal Church,
    President of the NCCCUSA;
    *Rev. Dr. Robert Edgar, General Secretary of the NCCCUSA;
    *Bishop Vicken Aykazian, Armenian Orthodox Church of America,
    Secretary of the NCCCUSA;
    *Dr. Sylvia Campbell, Alliance of Baptists, NCCCUSA Justice and
    Advocacy Commission;
    *Rev. Dr. Thelma Chambers-Young, Progressive National Baptist
    Convention, Vice-President of the NCCCUSA;
    *Rev. SeungKoo Choi, General Secretary, Korean Presbyterian Church in
    *Bishop C. Christopher Epting, Episcopal Church;
    *Ms. Ann E. Hafften, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;
    *Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, Disciples of Christ, NCCCUSA Justice and
    Advocacy Commission Chair;
    *Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, Greek Orthodox Church, Associate General
    Secretary of the NCCCUSA;
    *Mr. Jim Winkler, General Secretary, United Methodist General Board
    of Church and Society.
