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Putin: Out of the Fire, Into the Fire

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  • Putin: Out of the Fire, Into the Fire

    Putin: Out of the Fire, Into the Fire

    February 24, 2005

    By Victor Gubareff and Marla Dial

    U.S. President George W. Bush wrapped up a fairly uneventful
    diplomatic tour of Europe on Feb. 24 with a joint press conference
    with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Bratislava. For days, we have
    been brushing past discussions of Bush's meetings with other European
    leaders, focusing keenly on what could come out of the Slovakia
    sessions -- a tete a tete between important world leaders who find
    themselves on opposite sides of a widening geopolitical divide.

    The public discourse, of course, revealed no sign of tensions. Both
    spoke affably and utterly predictably about the friendship between
    their nations, as well as specific points of agreement -- such as the
    need to cooperate on fighting illicit trade in man-portable air
    defense systems and shared views on nuclear nonproliferation.

    Beneath these diplomatic niceties, however, lies a very real
    predicament -- particularly for Putin, who is finding himself
    increasingly beset by difficulties at home.

    It is no secret, particularly to the Russians, that the United States
    has been making firm and steady inroads into Moscow's traditional
    sphere of influence, with pro-Western governments now installed in
    states such as Georgia and Ukraine. And if that were not enough to
    light a few nationalist fires, Russian news media on Feb. 24 carried
    two important stories -- one noting rising unemployment, the other
    chronicling a dependence on consumer imports that experts said is
    hampering Russia's own economic development. Foreign influence

    On an even more personal level, Putin in recent months reportedly has
    been blasted by former Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov as a
    controlling leader who now tolerates no dissent within his inner
    circle, and -- significantly -- he was the target of a Feb. 23 protest
    by active and retired military officers who demanded steps to stem the
    collapse of the Russian military and NATO encroachment within the

    Against that backdrop, Putin met with Bush, who he knew could be
    counted on to broach the subjects of Russia's nuclear arsenal and
    approach to democracy -- both wild cards that, if not carefully
    handled, could make him even more vilified as a U.S. lapdog than he
    already is at home. On some levels, a strong rebuff of Bush would have
    been in Putin's best interests -- but the prospect of being viewed as
    a hostile state by Washington, which already is eyeing a number of
    potential challenges in the Eurasian landmass, was a risky proposition
    as well.

    Russian sources close to the matter have told us that when Bush, in
    private talks, suggested a joint monitoring program for Russia's
    active nuclear weapons, Putin essentially responded that to agree
    would result in him being burned at the stake in Red Square. Bush then
    asked for an agreement in principle -- or, in other words, he gave
    Putin the choice of being burned whilst doused in gasoline or being
    slow-cooked, using only tender green saplings for kindling. In either
    case, an agreement would be viewed by the Russians as a way of ceding
    sovereign powers to Washington. Ultimately, Putin took the only out he
    could -- asking for more time to give Bush an answer (during which, we
    suspect, he will cast about for flame retardants).

    Discussions of democracy have been more publicly exchanged: Bush
    earlier this week restated his foreign policy goals, which take a
    critical view of freedoms in Russia; Putin responded separately that
    Russia would achieve democracy on its own terms. During their joint
    press conference, Putin (who we believe favors democracy along
    Ataturkian lines -- a long-term transition over which he solely will
    preside) tried to gloss over the differences, speaking primarily of
    "fundamental principles" rather than tactical steps.

    "There are great differences between Russia and the U.S." in practice,
    he said. "If we talk about where we have more or where we have less
    democracy, is not the right thing to do, but if we talk about how the
    fundamental principles of democracy are implemented in this or that
    historical soil, in this or that country -- is an option, is

    Though Putin did appear to make a subtle overture to the Russian
    people -- emphasizing that democracy "should not be accompanied by the
    collapse of the state and the impoverishment of the people" (a
    reference to rampant corruption to which he has been accused of
    turning a blind eye) -- he ultimately jettisoned a very public
    opportunity to portray himself as a strong leader who can appeal to
    Russians concerned about their national security and cultural
    identity. Putin, increasingly pressured to choose between U.S. or
    Russian interests, has deferred the verdict to an unspecified later

    In other words, he remains tied to the stake, and the torch-throwers
    are lining up.