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Dubai: Melkonian Educational Institute at Crossroads

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  • Dubai: Melkonian Educational Institute at Crossroads

    Melkonian Educational Institute at Crossroads

    Azad-Hye, United Arab Emirates
    March 27 2005

    On Sunday 20th March 2004 Azad-Hye visited the Melkonian Educational
    Institute in Nicsoa (Cyprus), which is under the threat of closure
    at the end of this academic year (see photo gallery).

    About 120 students (mainly from Cyprus, Armenia, Iran and other
    countries) are attending the lessons, almost certain that they will
    need to find other places to continue their studies next year. Some
    are lucky enough to be at the graduation year, but others need
    to do arrangements for smooth transition to other schools, without
    excluding the prospect of discontinuing their studies due to financial

    The feeling of lose is predominant among the students. No new students
    were admitted in at the beginning of the current school year. The
    current students and thousand of graduates will soon be deprived
    of their beloved school. It is not certain whether their collective
    effort will change the course of events.

    We met several citizens of Cyprus, who all expressed their concern
    about the fate of the school, marking it as a sad day for all
    Cypriots. Actually it is incomprehensive why AGBU insists to close
    a school that can grant its graduates high school certificates,
    recognized on the European Union level, now that Cyprus has joined
    the Union.

    The premises of the Institute, especially the main two buildings are
    part of Nicosia's architectural heritage. Together with the surrounding
    parks they are chief landmarks in the capital city.

    Two of Melkonian's students approached and provided us with a written
    text about the closure of their school. They signed the text with the
    nicknames Ardziv and Paze. Here are the main parts of what they wrote
    (translated from Armenian to English):

    "The Fall of 79 years old school: For many years the Melkonian
    Educational Institute has played an irreplaceable role in the
    Armenian Diaspora cultural life. As a unique educational center,
    it has provided numerous pupils with the necessary means for their
    educational progress and development.

    Only indifferent people and those who are totally overwhelmed with
    financial considerations could take the decision for its closure.
    Their excuses about the big financial loses of the Institute are
    baseless, as, from its first day this school was a product of
    benevolence and kindness, not a mean for business profit.

    The suggestion of opening Melkonian Institute in Armenia is completely
    ridiculous, because there are enough schools in Armenia to cover the
    needs for national education there.

    In the past, foreign invaders had ordered the closure of our schools,
    but what we see today the Armenian hands are doing it, as if it
    is not enough the closure of the other Diaspora schools such as
    Murad-Raphaelian, etc.

    In our opinion the closure of the school will have tragic consequences
    on the Diaspora cultural life. It will endanger the struggle for
    keeping our identity in the Middle East and Europe. This is why we all
    consider the day that the decision for the closure of the school was
    taken (16th March) as a black day in our history. We will continue
    to protest and oppose to those who prefer to see the doors of the
    Melkonian Institute closed forever.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress