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Which Country Is Up Next for a Revolution?

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  • Which Country Is Up Next for a Revolution?

    Which Country Is Up Next for a Revolution?
    By Henry Meyer
    The Associated Press, March 28, 2005

    Who's next? That's the question strongmen in former Soviet lands are
    asking themselves nervously after Kyrgyzstan became the third country
    in the region to be swept by revolution.

    In neighboring countries in Central Asia, opposition politicians sense
    it's their turn to re-enact the drama of 1989, when democracy swept
    much of Eastern Europe as the Soviet empire started to crumble.

    Kazakhstan, a vast, energy-rich nation where Western oil firms have
    invested billions of dollars, is seen by many analysts as the next
    target for a popular uprising. Possible ramifications abound: In
    addition to oil -- also a factor in Azerbaijan -- the region has
    Islamic fundamentalist movements suspected of links to terrorism, an
    active drug trade, U.S. and Russian military bases, strategic
    positioning on China's doorstep, and no firm guarantees that any new
    leaders would be more democratic than the current crop.

    Russia has looked on with anxiety at the upheaval in its former Soviet
    backyard, as allies in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan have been
    toppled in succession and without regard to its wishes. It sees the
    trend as a deep strategic threat to its role as the dominant regional

    A momentous process is unfolding in Central Asia and the Caucasus,
    said Yevgeny Volk, Moscow director of the conservative
    Washington-based Heritage Foundation think tank.

    "These countries are facing a radical change of power, which did not
    happen in the early 1990s," he said.

    "Unlike the Baltic states, which quickly adopted a market economy,
    democratic society and rule of law, and Russia to a much lesser
    extent, in Central Asia and the Caucasus, the communist-era leaders
    stayed in power, which bred corruption and authoritarianism. ... But
    now the time is ripe for revolutions."

    The United States encouraged the Georgian and Ukrainian pro-Western
    reformers now in charge. In Central Asia, seen as a vital source of
    energy and a bulwark against Islamic radicalism, it favors stability
    but is tentatively distancing itself from corrupt regimes that are
    fanning religious extremism.

    In Kazakhstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, a former Communist boss
    who has been in power since 1989, will be seeking another seven-year
    term next year. He contemptuously blamed Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev
    on Friday for his "weakness" in allowing "rioters and thugs" to oust him.

    But despite a crackdown on independent media and the opposition, the
    64-year-old Nazarbayev is in trouble because of alleged nepotism amid
    widespread poverty and his opponents' growing popularity.

    Last week, the long-fractured opposition chose as its single candidate
    for the 2006 presidential vote Zharmakhan Tuyakbai -- a former top
    Nazarbayev ally who resigned last year as parliament speaker and head
    of the presidential party.

    "In Kazakhstan, if the government tries to falsify the election
    results, the same scenario as in Kyrgyzstan cannot be ruled out," said
    Andrei Piontkovsky, an independent analyst.

    In Uzbekistan, where thousands of political prisoners languish in
    jails, hardline President Islam Karimov's repressive rule with an
    omnipresent secret police is seen as sufficient -- for now -- to keep
    the lid on any unrest. But observers worry that after Kyrgyzstan,
    Islamic radicals could launch an attempt to unseat Karimov.

    Outside Central Asia, the likeliest candidate for revolution is seen
    as Armenia, a key Russian ally on Russia's southern flank in the
    unstable Caucasus region. President Robert Kocharyan, whose contested
    re-election to a second term in 2003 sparked opposition protests,
    faces fresh elections for parliament and the presidency in 2007.

    Critics say he has violently cracked down on dissent, allowed
    corruption to flourish and done little to improve the lot of the people.

    In Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev in 2003 succeeded his late father, Heidar
    Aliyev, the longtime ruler in the Caspian state, marking the first
    political dynasty in a former Soviet republic. The country will hold
    parliamentary elections in November this year, which the opposition
    sees as its best opportunity for change.

    In Belarus, opposition activists staged a rally Friday in the capital
    that was violently broken up by police. The opposition said it was
    trying to start an uprising similar to Kyrgyzstan's.

    "Who's next?" Noviye Izvestia asked on its front page Friday. "The
    Kyrgyz precedent cannot fail to worry the leaders of other countries,
    especially those countries where in the near future parliamentary and
    presidential elections will be held."