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Armenians of Colorado Commemorate The Armenian Genocide

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  • Armenians of Colorado Commemorate The Armenian Genocide

    April 25, 2006
    Press contact: Kim Christianian
    P.O. Box 13854
    Denver, Colorado 80201
    Tel: (303) 588-5524
    [email protected]

    Armenians of Colorado Inc., is pleased to announce the passage of the 5th
    annual Colorado Armenian Genocide Commemorative Resolution. The resolution
    passed in both chambers unanimously and the roll calls were added as
    co-sponsors. State Senator Lois Tochtrop, co-sponsor of all five
    resolutions, was very pleased with the outcome and said, "I hope that the
    actions at the state level will encourage or even push the legislators at
    the Federal level to finally pass the Congressional resolution".

    Armenians of Colorado held its annual Commemorative ceremony at the Armenian
    Genocide Memorial plaque at the Colorado State Capitol in Denver.
    Co-sponsors Senator Lois Tochtrop and Representative Michael Garcia
    addressed the crowd as did representatives from Senator Allard and
    Congressmen Udall's offices.

    Armenians of Colorado Inc is proud to also announce a new partnership with
    the Colorado Coalition for Genocide Awareness & Action. The organization
    will hold its first conference on May 8, 2006 at the Adams Mark Hotel in
    Denver Colorado. The conference will consist of renowned genocide scholars
    and speakers with the focus of organizing efforts leading to the cessation
    and prevention of genocide. The day will culminate with an "awareness" walk
    from the hotel to the Colorado State Capitol where a rally and press
    conference will take place. Many of the partners of the coalition are
    organizations that Armenians of Colorado Inc has collaborated with in the
    past to bring events of genocide awareness. "This event will take the level
    of awareness out of the college setting and bring it to the general public",
    says Kim Christianian, Chairperson of the Armenian Genocide Commemoration
    Committee for Armenians of Colorado. Christianian, who has written
    Colorado's resolutions and proclamations for the last 5 years hopes that
    through this alliance, the Armenian Genocide curriculum can be introduced
    into the Social Studies curriculum at the middle and high school level.

    The Colorado Armenian community through its coordinated efforts with the
    Armenian Assembly, ANCA, and Armenians of Colorado Inc., has made great
    progress in gaining support for Armenian issues at the Federal level.
    Colorado Congressmen Udall and Beauprez have joined the Congressional Caucus
    On Armenian Issues as well as signed the House Letter to President Bush and
    co-sponsored H. Res. 316. Congresswomen Musgrave and Degette have also
    co-sponsored H. Res. 316. Congressman Salazar has signed the letter to
    President Bush. Senators Allard and Salazar have both signed the letter and
    co-sponsored S. Res. 320.

    2006 Colorado Armenian Genocide Commemorative Resolution
    24, 2006, and every year hereafter, AS
    WHEREAS, This year marks the 91st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide when
    1.5 million men, women, and children of Armenian descent were victims of the
    brutal genocide perpetrated by the Turkish Ottoman Empire from 1915-1923;
    500,000 more were exiled, and 500,000 were able to escape the regime of
    terror and establish themselves in new foreign lands, and, as a result,
    today there are only 100,000 people of Armenian heritage left residing
    within the borders of modern Turkey; and

    WHEREAS, The United States' Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry
    Morgenthau, Sr., stated, "Whatever crimes the most perverted instincts of
    the human mind can devise, and whatever refinements of persecutions and
    injustice the most debased imagination can conceive, became the daily
    misfortunes of this devoted people. I am confident that the whole history of
    the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great
    massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when
    compared to the sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915". The killing of the
    Armenian people was followed by the systematic destruction of churches,
    schools, libraries, treasures of art, and cultural monuments that continues
    to this day in an attempt to eliminate all traces of a noble civilization
    with a history of more than 3,000 years."; and

    WHEREAS, Contemporary newspapers, such as the New York Times, carried
    headlines including "Tales of Armenian Horrors Confirmed", "Million
    Armenians Killed or in Exile", and "Wholesale Massacre of Armenians by
    Turks"; and

    WHEREAS, The Armenian Genocide has been acknowledged by countries and
    international bodies such as Argentina, Belgium, Canada, the Council of
    Europe, Cyprus, the European parliament, France, Great Britain, Greece,
    Lebanon, Russia, the United Nations, and Uruguay; and

    WHEREAS, Modern Turkey continues to deny and distort the facts of the
    genocide and to honor the perpetrators of that crime against humanity as
    national heroes; and

    WHEREAS, The Armenian people have been denied the right to
    self-determination on their ancestral lands and have received no form of
    reparations for their tragic loss; and

    WHEREAS, Each year, Armenians throughout the world honor those who perished
    from 1915 to 1923, and all the world's people should commemorate the
    Armenian Genocide and condemn any attempt to deny its historical truth or
    mischaracterize the episode as anything less than genocide the term coined
    by Raphael Lemkin in 1944 who referenced the Armenian massacres as a seminal
    example of such an atrocity; a crime against humanity; and

    WHEREAS, We must all do our best to raise awareness about the Armenian
    Genocide not only because it is an undeniable chapter of world history, but
    also because learning more about this unconscionable tragedy will help
    people better understand the necessity of eliminating hatred in our own
    communities; to that end, we support the efforts of Armenians of Colorado
    Inc. to encourage the educators in Colorado to include the Armenian Genocide
    in the school curriculum. We also commend our local PBS stations KRMA, and
    KBDI for airing the documentary The Armenian Genocide by filmmaker Andrew
    Goldberg scheduled for April 17th and April 26th respectively and encourage
    our Legislative colleagues to watch the program.

    WHEREAS, For four consecutive years this legislative body has passed a
    similar joint resolution in which the roll calls were added as co-sponsors
    designating April 24 as "Colorado Day of Remembrance of the Armenian
    Genocide"; and

    WHEREAS, Armenian-Americans living in Colorado have greatly enriched our
    state through their leadership in business, agriculture, academia,
    government, and the arts; now, therefore,

    1. That this legislative body pause in its deliberations to commemorate the
    91st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide to be recognized at a memorial
    service on Sunday, April 23, 2006, at the Armenian Genocide memorial plaque
    located in the northeast quadrant on the State Capitol grounds;

    2. That we, the members of the General Assembly, hereby acknowledge April
    24, 2006, and every year hereafter, as "Colorado Day of Remembrance of the
    Armenian Genocide";

    3. That the State of Colorado respectfully urges the United States Congress
    to likewise commemorate the Armenian Genocide.

    Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Joint Resolution be sent to the
    Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States; the members of the
    Colorado Congressional Delegation; the members of the Congressional Caucus
    on Armenian Issues of which Colorado Congressmen Udall and Beauprez have
    joined; the Honorable Bill Owens, Governor of Colorado; the Armenian
    Assembly of America in Washington, D.C.; and the Armenian National Committee
    in Washington, D.C.