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We Have No Truncheons, They Hold A Congress

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  • We Have No Truncheons, They Hold A Congress

    Hakob Badalyan
    27 June 06

    Count chickens in fall, Republicans in summer. We have to admit that
    the Republican Party had not given the society a surprise during its
    biography in power as it did by holding an extraordinary congress
    on July 22. In the meantime, summer is raging in Armenia, and human
    brains are on the point of melting. What a risk did the Republican
    take, staking their own brain?

    However, the midsummer extraordinary congress is out of fear
    rather than out of risk. Besides, what is risking a brain for the
    Republicans if the whole is risked, power, posts, business and finally
    freedom? This is the reason for holding a congress of the Republican
    Party at the high of the summer vacation. The party leaders hold the
    congress on July 22 for the Republicans, who attend the congress,
    not only understand but also feel that their leisure, interrupted
    for a while, can be lost forever. For them to realize what they are
    going to lose. If the Republican leaders are treating the activists
    of their own party so severely, the situation must really be serious.

    The Republicans could have waited until fall to hold a congress,
    especially that the rest of the political sphere, including the
    Republicans, delayed all the questions of political developments
    until fall. What happened suddenly? What is the reason for this
    hastiness? Especially for a ruling party, which added the post of
    speaker of the National Assembly to that of the prime minister.

    Perhaps they realized that they are given part by part to take away
    the whole at once. However, most probably, it was too late when they
    realized this. They should have known before taking it part by part
    and refuse the part to keep the whole. Now they can only count on
    the "great combinator". However, he is not the same as he used to
    be. It is true that now he is an honorary citizen of the Center,
    but he has never liked to be in the center, especially as a citizen,
    who can get killed in the street by a stray bullet. A citizen when
    already dual nationality is under consideration.

    In other words, a citizen should have been a past stage, but it is
    just coming up. And many others are coming up. Some of them are from
    the United States: an OSCE Co-Chair, an ambassador, directors of other
    offices. They are coming, so let them come, but as soon as they come,
    they make announcements, advising Armenia to learn democracy from
    Azerbaijan. Whereas, how nice it was when there was nothing new!

    Whereas, now the new are on the way, but statements are already
    there. In this sense, the summer congress of the Republic is belated,
    independent from what problems they are solving. They could have
    spent the money of the congress more effectively, and bought 500
    batons instead of 250 and distributed to the Police. Otherwise, how
    much do they have to wave 250 batons for it to be cool in summer and
    warm in winter?