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BAKU: Embassy in Britain investigate Swedish MPs visit to NK

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  • BAKU: Embassy in Britain investigate Swedish MPs visit to NK

    Today, Azerbaijan
    June 30 2006

    Embassy of Azerbaijan in Britain investigate the fact of Swedish MPs
    visit to Nagorno Karabakh

    30 June 2006 [14:24] - Today.Az

    Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan ordered Embassy of Azerbaijan in
    Britain to investigate the fact of Swedish parliament members
    visiting Nagorno Karabakh.

    According to Foreign Ministry Press and Information Policy Office
    chief Tahir Tagizade, if Swedish parliament members have visited
    Nagorno Karabakh without warning Azerbaijan will send its official
    protest to foreign policy office of this country.

    Delegation headed by member of Swedish parliament Ulla Hofman visited
    occupied territories of Azerbaijan June 28.

    Swedish Left Party includes delegation. Swedish parliamentarian
    coming to Azerbaijan from Armenia they met with vise-speaker of
    co-called Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Rudik Usnunch.

    Thanking to Swedish parliament for recognizing Armenian genocide,
    Rudik Usnunch asked parliamentarian to help in the direction of
    recognizing Nagorno Karabakh Republics as an independent state.

    In his turn Ulla Hofman sated his party concern to Armenia and
    Nagorno Karabakh, and will get in touch regularly with Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic.

    Swedish parliament members have accepted the invitation to
    participate in the "measures on 13th anniversary of liberation of
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic Mardakert region from occupation of
    Azerbaijani Armed Forces".
