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Newfound US Interest in Azerbaijan Promises More Headaches for Baku

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  • Newfound US Interest in Azerbaijan Promises More Headaches for Baku


    By Taleh Ziyadov aleh+Ziyadov
    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    On March 13-14, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and
    Eurasian Affairs Daniel Fried and U.S. Special Negotiator for Eurasian
    Conflicts and U.S. Minsk Group co-chair Ambassador Steven Mann visited
    Azerbaijan for a two-day official trip.

    During their visit, the U.S. officials held talks with President Ilham
    Aliyev, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov, and Minister for Economic
    Development Heydar Babayev. They also met with local journalists,
    civil society representatives, and a leader from the main opposition

    Fried said that the goal of his trip was to examine the situation in
    the region after the unsuccessful Rambouillet summit, when President
    Aliyev and Armenian President Robert Kocharian failed to agree on a
    "framework document" covering the key principles of a Karabakh peace
    process (BakuToday.Net, March 17). He added that there were other
    discussion topics pertaining to the future of the region, including
    energy security and the Iranian nuclear program (, March

    Fried and Mann also toured Georgia and Armenia before stopping in
    Turkey. In Ankara, Fried met with Turkish officials and discussed the
    possibility of opening the Turkish-Armenian border (New Anatolian,
    March 18). Ankara, however, responded that it would keep the border
    shut until Armenia ends its occupation of Azerbaijan and removes the
    anti-Turkish clauses from the Armenian Constitution (, March

    While in Azerbaijan, U.S. officials discouraged Azerbaijan and
    Armenia from using military rhetoric and urged Baku and Yerevan to
    prepare their respective societies for peace, not war. After
    reiterating their hopes fora possible breakthrough in the peace talks
    in 2006 and describing the idea of a new war as "catastrophic,"
    U.S. officials also were reminded of the friendly economic and
    political relations between the United States and Azerbaijan
    (, March 15).

    "At present Azerbaijan adheres to a clear and strong position
    reflecting the national interests of the country. Nevertheless, the
    approach doesn't hinder the continuation of constructive
    negotiations," noted Fried (, March 14).

    Even after the disappointing results in Rambouillet, U.S. co-chair
    Steven Mann was still optimistic. "I think both presidents take the
    peace process seriously and the communities of both countries support
    the idea of a peace agreement. No one wants [a new] war," remarked
    Mann following the failed negotiations in France last month (,
    February 22).

    In Azerbaijan, however, local media interpreted the diplomats'
    statements in Baku as an attempt to put pressure on Azerbaijan, so
    that Baku would agree to a peace deal that is not in Azerbaijan's
    national interest.

    Referring to an anonymous diplomatic source, the independent daily
    Zerkalo reported that, during their visit, the Washington emissaries
    had tried to convince President Aliyev to agree to the principles of
    the OSCE Minsk Group's recently failed proposal and wanted assurances
    that Baku would support a possible U.S.-led coalition against Iran
    (Zerkalo, March 21).

    Other experts in Azerbaijan also pointed out the Iranian question and
    have raised skepticism about the sudden U.S. interest in speeding up
    the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. In an interview with
    Nezavisimaya gazeta, Azerbaijani political scientist Anar Safikhanov
    declared that there is something else behind U.S. interest in

    "The main reason why international mediators, especially Washington,
    hurry with the resolution of the Karabakh conflict is the
    deteriorating situation around the Iranian nuclear program. The United
    States wants peace and stability in the nearby South Caucasus region,
    so that it could move ahead with its plans to further isolate
    `intractable' Iran," stated Safikhanov (, March 13).

    "The U.S. considers the South Caucasus, especially Azerbaijan, an
    arena that could be used for isolation of Tehran or as `lily pad' base
    in casethe U.S. would launch a military attack against Iran,"
    concluded Safikhanov (, March 13).

    While asked about a possible U.S. military attack on Iran, Fried
    responded, "We do not think about [the military option] and hope that
    the international community would convince Tehran to quit its nuclear
    program" (, March 14).

    Moreover, the Zerkalo article speculated about Moscow's role in the
    peace process and stated that Azerbaijan should not count on Russia's
    help in balancing U.S. pressure. Moscow has been interested in the
    status quo in the Karabakh conflict as a mechanism for preserving its
    own influence in the South Caucasus. This time, however, "Russia
    decided to abandon its `reliably ally and regional outpost' [Armenia]
    and its `strategic partner' [Azerbaijan] in favor of the U.S.,"
    according to the article (Zerkalo, March 21).

    Indeed, as a result of Washington's newfound interest in the South
    Caucasus, particularly Azerbaijan, official Baku may find itself in a
    difficult predicament. On the one hand, Azerbaijan will have to
    balance the U.S. pressure for speeding up the Karabakh peace process
    with its own demand for resolution of the conflict within the
    framework of its territorial integrity. On the other hand, Baku should
    walk a fine line in responding to U.S. demands for closer military and
    security cooperation with the United States, while at the same time
    not offending neighboring Russia and Iran.

    The Azerbaijani government will not sign an agreement that could
    jeopardize its territorial integrity either today or in the
    future. Thus, for the time being, Azerbaijan is likely to play along
    in improving military-to-military relations with the United States, in
    hope that this could alleviate the U.S. pressure on issues concerning
    the unfavorable parts of the Karabakh peace proposal.

    Published by _The JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION_ (

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress