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ANKARA: Consumers Union: Our Actions Against France Will Go On

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  • ANKARA: Consumers Union: Our Actions Against France Will Go On


    The New Anatolian
    EkoTurk News Agency / Istanbul
    Oct 17 2006

    Consumers Union Chair Bulent Deniz said that the boycott undertaken
    by the Union against French goods will go on with the addition of a
    new French company every week until the decision to outlaw the denial
    of the so-called Armenian genocide allegations is withdrawn.

    Deniz said in a written statement that the "A French good every week"
    boycott initiated on October 13 upon the passing of the law proposal
    to outlaw the denial of the so-called Armenian genocide allegations
    proved fruitful very soon.

    He stated that in a few hours from the onset of the boycott, French
    FR2, Arte, Danish DR television channels and German Berlin radio
    performed interviews in Turkey to make news stories on the boycott
    initiated by the Consumers Union and broadcast them as the leading
    stories on their news bulletins. Deniz also said that the call for
    boycott had wide-ranging repercussions in the French, Belgian, Dutch,
    Austrian, German and American media.

    Deniz asserted that the interest that the European media took in the
    boycott actions is a primary indicator of the concern caused by the
    boycott on the part of the EU and particularly the French public.

    "Moreover, according to the information received from the 25 branches
    of the Consumers Union nationwide as well as from independent sources,
    the sales figures of Total, the first company against which boycott
    action was taken, has indicated a drop of up to 30 percent in sales. On
    the first day of the boycott, Total shares lost 0.09 percent value
    in the stock markets abroad," Deniz said in his statement.

    Deniz argued that the most noteworthy development was French President
    Chirac calling Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoðan and saying that he
    would do his best to prevent the ratification of the law. All these
    developments prove that the Turkish people gave the harshest response
    to France, he said.

    Deniz informed that the Union will go on with the boycott started
    against Total with the addition of a new French company every week
    until the decision to criminalize the denial of the so-called Armenian
    genocide allegations is withdrawn, and that the second French firm
    to be brought under the boycott will be made public on October 19.
