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Bullard High Valedictorian Heads To College

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  • Bullard High Valedictorian Heads To College

    Aug 7 2008

    By Graciela MorenoFresno, CA, USA (KFSN) -- Just two months ago Arthur
    Mkoyan was days away from deportation & Today he's getting ready to
    head off to college.

    A stranger has stepped forward to help the Bullard High School Graduate
    pay for four years at UC Davis. Arthur Mkoyan, Fresno resident:
    "At first I didn't really believe it I thought it was one of those
    jokes or something."

    But it was no joke. A northern California woman Arthur Mkoyan had
    never met ... Is making his dream of going to UC Davis a reality.

    Arthur Mkoyan: "This is probably the nicest thing anybody has ever
    done for me."

    Just days before Arthur and his family were to be deported back to
    Armenia-- Senator Diane Feinstein introduced a bill that allows the
    family to stay until their immigration status is resolved. But Arthur a
    4.0 student at Bullard High-- would not be eligible for financial aid.

    Sherry Heacox: "It just seemed like an injustice. I thought about it
    for a couple of days and suddenly it was --do something about it if
    you're unhappy about it."

    Sherry Heacox lives in northern California. She read about the Mkoyan's
    plight in the newspaper ... And contacted Arthur's mom.

    Sherry Heacox: "I think the first words out of her mouth were 'Oh my
    God' and I think there was some crying immediately."

    Arthur's father Reuben says he can't find the words to say thank you to
    Heacox ... But he still worries about his family's future in the U.S.

    Reuben Mkoian, Arthur's Father: "Some people say like okay-- you're
    done. But it's not okay-- we have to wait, nobody knows what will
    happen next."

    For now Arthur looks forward to visiting the UC campus for the first
    time this weekend.

    Arthur Mkoyan: "I'm feeling excited--I get to move out and start a
    new life and I get to continue my education at the school I wanted
    to go to."

    Heacox's own daughter just graduated from UC Santa Barbara. Now, she'll
    begin to pay for Arthur's education. Tuition alone is 25-thousand
    dollars a year. Heacox says she has only one stipulation-- quitting
    is not an option. And she has one small request & Sherry Heacox:
    "Maybe 4 years down the road I'll get a graduation invitation ... and
    be standing at Davis watching as he strolls across the stage into a
    new life."

    Sherry says she and her husband are not wealthy by any means, but feel
    fortunate to be able to help. She'll join Arthur and his parents this
    weekend for orientation at UC Davis.