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BAKU: Azeri, Turkish Leaders Pleased With Bilateral Energy Cooperati

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  • BAKU: Azeri, Turkish Leaders Pleased With Bilateral Energy Cooperati


    Lider TV
    June 4 2008

    "Historical" meeting

    [Presenter] Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a face-to-face meeting and a meeting
    attended by delegates in Naxcivan. After the discussions, the heads
    of state made a joint statement. President Ilham Aliyev said that
    this historical meeting was also of political significance.

    [Ilham Aliyev speaking at a meeting] Dear Prime Minister, dear
    guests. It's my pleasure to welcome you in Azerbaijan's ancient
    land of Naxcivan. Your visit is of great significance and I am sure
    that this visit will be successful. We discussed bilateral and
    multilateral issues and once again witnessed that our positions
    coincide on all issues. In the future, we will certainly try to
    further develop our relations. We have many projects to implement and
    currently, we are jointly implementing the most important projects
    successfully. Bilateral relations and regional processes depend on our
    joint activities. I also welcome all the members of the delegation
    who have come to Naxcivan. This is a very significant event because
    you are represented by quite a big delegation. Naxcivan is an ancient
    Azerbaijani land and is the only place in Azerbaijan that borders on
    Turkey. The bridge that connects both countries was named the Umid
    [Hope] bridge and was the only way out of blockaded Naxcivan. Naxcivan
    is on its way to development as you will witness today.

    [Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaking in Turkish] Thank you very much for your
    warm welcome. Turkey and Azerbaijan are fraternal states. Our economic,
    military, political, cultural and other relations are developing
    day by day. Considering the importance of the meeting in Naxcivan,
    most state ministers are represented in our delegation. And also,
    I personally wanted to see Naxcivan. I believe that this meeting
    and other meetings and visits to be held later today will add more
    significance to this visit. Under your leadership, Azerbaijan has
    experienced great development over the past few years. This path of
    development which started under the leadership of the late Heydar
    Aliyev continues today. Of course, this development makes Azerbaijan
    even more important in the region. I believe that the steps to be
    taken from now on will also strengthen the Azerbaijani youth even more.

    Common interests

    [Correspondent] After the meeting, Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan held a press

    [Ilham Aliyev speaking at the press conference] Dear Prime Minister,
    dear friend, dear guests. Once again I welcome you all in the ancient
    Azerbaijani land. I regularly meet Mr Prime Minister in Baku, Ankara,
    Istanbul and other cities. This is the first time that we have met here
    in Naxcivan. Thank you, Dear Prime Minister, for finding time to visit
    Naxcivan. This visit is of political significance as well. Naxcivan
    is the only place that has a land border with Turkey. Relations with
    Turkey, especially in the early 1990s, played a great role in the
    development of Naxcivan. Today, our relations are developing in all
    fields. Today we discussed the directions of bilateral relations. Our
    positions coincide on all the issues that were discussed. Political
    relations are developing rapidly. Our economic potential is growing. We
    are implementing energy projects that strengthen our countries.

    We also exchanged opinions about the Nagornyy Karabakh issue and
    future plans regarding the issue. Turkey's position and support
    in this issue is very important for us. Turkey demonstrated its
    support during the adoption of the UN resolution on the occupied
    Azerbaijani territories. We also had a discussion about future
    projects. Huge projects such as Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan [oil pipeline],
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum [gas [pipeline] and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars [railway]
    bring us even closer. These projects play a great role for the whole
    Turkic world because other Turkic-speaking nations may effectively
    benefit from these projects, and initial agreements have already been
    reached. We are open to cooperation both in energy and transport
    projects. Our relations are a great contribution to regional
    cooperation. No project can be implemented and no initiative can be
    made in the region without Turkey and Azerbaijan's participation. We
    have to make effective use of these chances.

    A new period has been launched in the field of mutual
    investments. Azerbaijani companies invest in Turkish industries and
    infrastructure. This is very important for us, because the biggest
    foreign investments are made in Turkey, which is natural. Growing
    political and economic links will strengthen both countries. Issues
    discussed today such as the energy security of Naxcivan will further
    expand development initiatives. I am sure that after the Turkish prime
    minister's historical visit to Naxcivan, new opportunities will open
    up. Thank you.

    Trade turnover to reach 3bn dollars

    [Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaking in Turkish at the news conference]
    Mr President, dear guests. Taking this chance, I would like
    to express my pleasure to be in Azerbaijan, Naxcivan. I would
    also like to thank you for your hospitality and attention to our
    delegation. During our meetings, we discussed political, military,
    trade, cultural and educational links between our countries. We also
    had a chance to discuss our future plans. These relations develop
    on a day-to-day basis. I am happy that we have common positions on
    issues of development, peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus. The
    resolution of the Karabakh problem within the framework of Azerbaijan's
    territorial integrity and in accordance with international norms
    is our great wish. We will continue to support this position as we
    have done up to now. Once again, I would like to emphasize that we
    are ready to do our best to protect peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus. I would like to express my pleasure with Azerbaijan's support
    on the Northern Cyprus issue. Economic and trade relations between our
    countries continue to grow. Relations between Naxcivan and Turkey are
    developing as well. Turkey is the country that has made the biggest
    investment in Azerbaijan's non-oil sector with a total amount of
    investment exceeding 5.5bn dollars. Currently, the trade turnover
    between Turkey and Azerbaijan is 1.2bn dollars and we will try to
    increase this number to 3bn dollars in the next two years. Naxcivan
    is our biggest trading partner at this stage. Energy projects such
    as Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum are an indication of
    strong links between our countries. The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway
    project will also become one of the most important projects. The
    ground-breaking ceremony of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project will be held
    in July. The Naxcivan meeting is a historical one, as the president
    said. I believe that our relations will continue to grow. Thank you.

    Turkey to use Azerbaijani gas

    [CNN Turk correspondent speaking in Turkish] Will there be any changes
    to visa procedures and what role can Turkey play in the resolution
    of the Karabakh problem?

    [Erdogan] We have agreed on a certain guideline with regards to the
    visa regime and this guideline will soon be made effective. Regarding
    your other question, it's an issue of occupation as stipulated by UN
    resolutions. But these resolutions are being ignored. We want the
    Minsk Group to speed up the negotiations for the sake of peace and
    prosperity in the region.

    [Azerbaijan state television correspondent] How will these meetings
    contribute to the economic development of Naxcivan?

    [Ilham Aliyev] The results of this visit will be successful. The
    mutual trade turnover is growing. We discussed the energy security
    of Naxcivan. Turkey will deliver natural gas to Naxcivan after the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline is launched. We are also thinking of
    linking Naxcivan to the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars project which is a project
    requiring huge financial investments. In general, Naxcivan's economic
    potential makes it possible to expand relations with Turkey. Turkish
    companies are very active in Naxcivan.

    [Another Turkish correspondent speaking in Turkish] Would you please
    comment more on energy cooperation issues?

    [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] Turkey is a transit country. At the same time,
    Turkey will use the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline project to meet
    its own needs. Energy ministers have received relevant instructions
    on this matter. The amount of gas that will be delivered to Turkey
    has yet to be defined. We also discussed the Nabucco [gas pipeline]
    project. Within the existing capacity, it's planned that natural gas
    will also be delivered through Nabucco.

    [Azad Azarbaycan TV correspondent] How do you see the future prospects
    of Turkish-Azerbaijani cooperation?

    [Ilham Aliyev] We have successfully cooperated at the international
    level as well. Our positions coincide in the Organization of the
    Islamic Conference and the UN. The next meeting of Turkic-speaking
    nations will be organized in Baku. Our delegations in the Council of
    Europe always support each other. We had a Turkish-Azerbaijani joint
    diaspora meeting which was very important because we have the same
    enemies and the same interests.

    [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] We intend to continue to support each other
    in international organizations such as the UN, the Organization of
    the Islamic Conference and the Council of Europe. We have to prove
    that we are one nation - two states.