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Serzh Sarkisian Says Armenian-Russian Relations Becoming More Dynami

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  • Serzh Sarkisian Says Armenian-Russian Relations Becoming More Dynami


    June 26

    Armenian-Russian relations are becoming more dynamic, are acquiring
    more content from year to year. Armenian President Serzh Sargsian
    gave such assessment to the Armenian-Russian partnership at the
    meeting on June 25 conducted in the Armenian embassy in Russia with
    the well-known political scientists and heads of mass media. The
    existing active political dialogue is a resolute factor for boosting
    cooperation in all other spheres, he said.

    According to him, in the sphere of economy they succeeded in reaching
    a sharp increase of investments and trade turnover. The Armenian
    president presented the success registered in Armenia as a result of
    economic reforms.

    Military-technical cooperation between the two countries are being
    development within the framework of CSTO. Serzh Sargsian said
    that during the recent years a number of important steps have been
    undertaken to fulfill the partnership with concrete mechanisms. In
    September "Rubezh-2008" first exercises will be conducted in Armenia
    during which the joint activities will be developed in case of usage
    of force by the CSTO member countries.

    "We find that the military-technical partnership within the frameworks
    of the CSTO must be consolidated also by the political coordination
    of our activity. It at least must exclude the cases of backing such
    statement of the third country within the frameworks of the two-sided
    relations, which may harm the interests of the alliance," Armenian
    president said.

    Referring to the humanitarian sphere, S. Sargsian noted that
    there are serious expectations from the Humanitarian Council of the
    CIS. According to him, the cultural links of the sides, manifestations
    of scientific cooperation and partnership in the educational sphere
    is the exclusive privilege of the CIS peoples. In this respect,
    the Armenian president said, that the mass media, research centers,
    civil society institutions have a great role in it.

    Presenting the main directions of the Armenian foreign policy,
    Serzh Sargsian noted that it is directed towards the development
    of multilayer and dynamic relations and active cooperation with the
    European establishments and particularly EU within the framework of
    the European Neighborhood Policy.

    "The main thing in our foreign policy is that we are against possible
    controversies and speculations of our partners and we do everything
    to smooth and to sharpen the possible issues in the South Caucasian
    region," Serzh Sargsian said.

    He described Armenia's foreign policy as policy of
    involvement. According to him, Armenia seeks close cooperation with
    those international establishments and organizations which are involved
    in the South Caucasian region.

    Serzh Sargsian said Armenia is concerned with the issues of interrupted
    communication and closed border in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan
    refuses to involve in any regional cooperation program because
    of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "We assess such approach as
    unconstructive. We view regional cooperation as a shorter way to the
    solution of conflicts," the president said.

    Referring to the Armenian-Turkish relations the Armenian president
    said that despite of its European ambitions Turkey continues blockade
    of Armenia "basing it on the Armenia's policy directed towards the
    recognition and condemnation of the Armenian genocide and on the
    necessity of support to Azerbaijan".

    S. Sargsian reminded that Turkey suggested that a commission be
    set up for studying the historic facts over the genocide. "We are
    not against the conduction of any type of survey including of the
    well-known and obvious happenings. But it would have been more logical
    if such commission be created after establishing diplomatic relations
    and opening of the border. In the opposite case it will become a
    tool of suspending the dialogue and controversies," the Armenian
    president said.

    He once again stated that Armenia is for establishing relations
    without pre-conditions.

    "Turkey's wish to become member of the European family is viewed by
    us as a promotion of reforms in its society. As a neighboring country
    we will be glad to see Turkey correspond to European standards,"
    the Armenian president said.

    He also told the present about his intention to invite Turkish
    president to Armenia to watch together Armenia-Turkey football game
    which will take place in September in Yerevan.

    The president also referred to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict regulation
    issue saying that his meeting with the Azerbaijani President Ilham
    Aliyev inspired hope of continuing the negotiations over the basic

    "I am sure that the conflict regulation is possible on the basis of
    mutual concessions and mutual agreement," Serzh Sargsian said, adding
    that mutual concession is an art of opportunities and in Karabakh
    case the solution must stem from the fact that Karabakh was never
    part of Azerbaijan. He said that people of Karabakh used the right
    to self-determination in the period of collapse of the USSR.

    At the end of the meeting Serzh Sargsian expressed hope that mass
    media and other institutions will continue active cooperation with the
    Armenian colleagues and suggested that the next meeting be conducted
    in Yerevan during the coming visit of the Russian president to Armenia.