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Social-Democratic Hunchakian Party Announcement "Armenian People Hav

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  • Social-Democratic Hunchakian Party Announcement "Armenian People Hav

    Nov 20 2008

    The Social-Democratic Hunchakian Party has expressed its strong concern
    over possible concessions in the continuing Armenian-Azerbaijani
    peace talks over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    YEREVAN ARMENIA-- The Social-Democratic Hunchakian Party has expressed
    its strong concern over possible concessions in the continuing
    Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks over Nagorno-Karabakh that it says
    Armenia's current leadership has not been empowered to agree to.

    The SDHP has issued a statement on Monday criticizing Serzh Sarkisian
    for formally ending the hopes of Karabakh to regain its status as
    a party to the internationally mediated peace talks by signing a
    declaration, along with the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia,
    calling for a direct dialogue between Yerevan and Baku.

    'Until now Robert Kocharian and Serzh Sarkisian have substantiated
    their criminal hold to power by claiming that they can keep Karabakh
    independent, unlike Levon Ter-Petrosian who allegedly would have given
    it back to Azerbaijan,' the chairwoman of the SDHP Lyudmila Sarkisian
    said at a November 10 press conference. However today it is obvious
    that Armenia's second president and the current one cannot and do not
    want to keep Artsakh. In her words, Serzh Sarkisian is not an elected
    and legitimate president, and for that reason the negotiations on the
    Karabakh conflict will proceed in a direction which is not desirable
    for Armenia.

    The SDHP statement said the international organizations pushing for
    a speedy resolution of the conflict would bear responsibility for any
    document concerning the future of Nagorno-Karabakh signed by Armenia's
    leadership that lacks the delegated rights from the Armenian people
    to act on their behalf.

    'It is Nagorno-Karabakh that is the real party to the conflict and
    Stepanakert has not made any decision authorizing Yerevan, let alone
    Armenia's current illegitimate authorities, to negotiate a deal or make
    decisions on its behalf,' the Hunchakian Party said in its statement.

    Gurgen Yeghiazarian, a senior party representative, said the Moscow
    declaration has confirmed the 'disgraceful' fact that the Karabakh
    conflict has two sides, i.e. Azerbaijan and Armenia, and therefore
    has completely ousted Nagorno-Karabakh from the current peace process.

    Another senior party figure Vahan Shirkhanian, former deputy defense
    minister, alleged that the solution offered to the sides is leading
    directly to war.

    'International structures lay an ever-acting landmine in the South
    Caucasus that may explode any time they wish. Getting the Karabakh
    conflict resolved this way means that the next war will be much
    fiercer and destructive for all peoples of the South Caucasus,'
    said Shirkhanian, who served as Armenia's deputy defense minister
    throughout the 1990s.

    'It is vitally important that the people and authorities of Karabakh
    present their clear standpoint on the current situation.' Shirkhanian
    pointed out that the Madrid principles presuppose considerable
    concessions by Armenia, and the Armenian authorities are ready to
    make such concessions, whereas the peoples of Armenia and Artsakh
    will not tolerate such a solution.

    'Morever, if it comes to the withdrawal of troops from Artsakh,
    the people of Artsakh will refuse to do so,' Shirkhanian predicted,
    adding that it will result in new military operations.

    'A new war in Transcaucasia is desirable for international
    structures. If they had been in favor of peace, they would have
    proposed some other solution and not the Madrid principles'.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress