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How To Cheat The Council Of Europe

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  • How To Cheat The Council Of Europe

    Kima Yeghiazaryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    29 Oct 2008

    To Participate And To Flee

    After the decree, on setting up a fact-finding group, signed by Serge
    Sargsyan on October 23, for the last five days the representatives
    of Armenian National Congress have been waiting for the decision of
    their leader, with bated breath and dumbly.

    Strange as it may seem "heritage" party, which is not considered
    the member of the congress, is also waiting for Levon Ter-Petrosyan's
    decision, because they don't seem to hurry in expressing their position
    on whether or not they are planning to participate in the works of
    the fact-finding group.

    Of course they reason it by saying that it is up to the administration
    to take a decision on this issue, but it is evident that "Heritage"
    is hanging back, waiting for Levon's decision. And only after his
    decision will "Heritage" express its final stance.

    Before that of course the representatives of both the congress and
    "Heritage" party have already managed to express their objections
    regarding certain points of the decree, not daring to utter a word
    regarding their final decision.

    But hardly will Ter-Petrosyan come to a decision so swiftly. Though
    the terms mentioned in the decree will most probably make him take
    a decision before November 4.

    So, Levon Ter-Petrosyan didn't find a better place to discuss this
    and many other issues, than "Yerablur", where he visited on "October
    27". On his third visit to Panteon and Yerablur, from 1999, he managed
    both to "mourn" the deaths of the victims and to spontaneously convene
    an open-air press conference.

    Whereas not only did he answer the various questions (beginning from
    the establishment of the fact-finding group up to the possibility of
    holding extraordinary demonstrations) of the journalists just near
    the gravestones, but he also hold a spontaneous consultation with
    the members of "Heritage" party. Such is their habit - to hold civil
    functions on the day of the Genocide, to convene a press conference
    in Yerablur, etc...

    We thought the fact of convening this urgent press conference was
    conditioned by publicizing his decision. But it turned out that there
    was no decision. The leader of the revolutionaries was hesitating. The
    fact that COE Commissioner for Human Rights Tomas Hammarberg
    immediately responded to the initiative to set up a fact-finding group
    and welcomed and appreciated the President's decision couldn't help
    "sobering" Ter-Petrosyan. Especially because it was at his and his
    companions' demand that the issue was included in the PACE resolution.

    This time Ter-Petrosyan will have to take such a decision, which won't
    be difficult to digest for the Council of Europe, because the latter
    expects, only and only a positive answer from the revolutionary leader.

    After boycotting the works of the NA Interim Committee, after ignoring
    the demand-proposals made by the Council of Europe to start a dialogue
    with the ruling power, if he behaves the same way this time he will
    really appear in a very ridiculous situation. But still what pretext
    can he find to justify his refusal to send his own representatives
    to work in the fact-finding group? The day before Ter-Petrosyan
    announced that two of their demands "have not been satisfied by the
    ruling power". According to the decree the group subordinates to the
    working interim committee, which means it is not independent. It is
    not "transparent" as well, because the elucidation of the works is
    strictly banned. Not considering the Human Rights Defender as a third
    party, he complained that international experts are not involved
    in the works of the group, because in his view the latter must be
    the "third party". Whereas it is twice mentioned in the decree: "To
    involve specialists in the fact-finding group, including international

    As to the fact of the "subordination" - what else could they do?

    Should they ignore the works implemented by the interim committee by
    now, only to satisfy the revolutionaries? Or what "transparency" do
    they speak about? Everyday overflow of the information? To give the
    revolutionaries the chance to make a concert from this information
    and reach the dissolution of the group?

    With all this Levon Ter-Petrosyan has many times mentioned: "It's
    ok. We can make use of the small chances that we possess, if we
    participate in the works of the group." He has appeared between the
    devil and the deep sea.

    Not to appear in a shameful situation in front of the Council of
    Europe, most probably he is looking for an "optimal" solution. It is
    really illogical to oppose the proposal made by himself. Most probably
    this time he will take a positive decision to show the Europeans that
    they also want "to be helpful". This is the delusion that they are
    going to create.

    But it is not excluded that after some time he will call back his
    representatives from the fact-finding group, with the whole "luggage"
    of information, which the revolutionaries will swiftly spread all
    over the country, thus trying to discredit the activity of the group.

    Meanwhile by using the information at hand as a subject for
    the demonstrations, they will try to liven up their dead
    movement. Everything is possible from those who provoked "March 1".