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President Of Azerbaijan Needs A Simple Answer To A Simple Question

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  • President Of Azerbaijan Needs A Simple Answer To A Simple Question


    2009-04-29 11:37:00

    It is the choice of Armenia and Turkey how to continue their relations,
    President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said at a joint press conference
    with President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso,
    APA reported.

    The Head of the Azerbaijani state also answered the questions
    regarding the discussions he had conducted with Jose Manuel Barroso
    about Turkey-Armenia rapprochement: "I have discussed a number of
    issues, including regional development and cooperation issues with
    the President of the European Commission. Of, course while talking
    about the regional cooperation, we could not leave aside of the latest
    developments in the region you have mentioned about. We have expressed
    our position on this issue many times. The position is that we never
    intervene in the affairs of other states and the relations between the
    two sovereign countries. This is the decision what Turkey and Armenia
    can make. It's their choice how to continue their relations. But
    while touching on some comments about the historical roots of this
    issue, I want to remind that the border between Turkey and Armenia was
    closed in 1993 as a result of occupation of Azerbaijan's territories
    by Armenia. This occupation is still continuing today. Today, Armenia
    still continues keeping the internationally-recognized territories of
    Azerbaijan under its occupation. I reiterate that we do not have such
    a position to create obstacle for further development of relations
    between these two countries or prevent it. I want to mention that we
    also have a right to form our policy according to the new realities
    in the region and we will use this right. We receive different
    information from different sources. According to him, one source says
    that "Road Map" was accepted in certain circumstances, but another
    source says no circumstances have been determined yet. This is a kind
    of word game. I think the world, region and Azerbaijani People have
    a right to know what happens. Is Nagorno Karabakh problem left aside
    of Turkey-Armenia rapprochement? This is a very simple question and
    we need a very simple answer", I. Aliyev said.