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Kocharian participation in coming BH congr not refuted nor confirmed

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  • Kocharian participation in coming BH congr not refuted nor confirmed

    Rumors on Robert Kocharian's participation in coming BH congress
    neither refuted nor confirmed 936

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 6, NOYAN TAPAN. Representatives of all NA factions
    have been invited to participate in Bargavach Hayastan (Prosperous
    Armenia) party's 4th congress to be held on February 12. Besides, as BH
    faction Secretary Aram Safarian said at the February 6 press briefing,
    representatives from RF Yedinaya Rossiya, Ukrainian Partiya Regionov
    parties have been also invited. As to former RA President Robert
    Kocharian's participation in the congress, he said that he cannot
    answer that question for the present.

    It should be mentioned that according to some publications in press, R.
    Kocharian is expected to take part in the congress and to be elected BH
    Honorary Chairman.

    Answering the question about party's possible participation in Yerevan
    Mayor's elections, faction member Naira Zohrabian said that the issue
    has not been discussed in the ruling coalition yet, and only after such
    a discussion BH can make a decision on its participation and on
    nominating a candidate of its own.