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NKR: Armenian Unity: Three Hypostasis

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  • NKR: Armenian Unity: Three Hypostasis

    Leonid Martirosyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily
    July 20, 2009
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    At the end of the last week the Pan-Armenian conference was held in
    Stepanakert, devoted to the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh
    problem. It was under the patronage of the President of the NKR,
    and was organized by the Central Board "Hay Dat" ARF "Dashnaktsutyun"
    with the financial support of "Pyunik".

    The conference in the capital of NKR is so naturally taking into
    account the current realities in the Karabakh settlement. Of
    course, the Pan-Armenian conference was dedicated not only to the
    problem Artsakh. Together with the Karabakh problem the question
    of Armenian-Turkish relations was also discussed in the context
    of recent political developments, which gave the forum a special
    significance. It is quite understandable. In this regard, however,
    it is necessary to underline that such Pan-Armenian campaign would be
    better to hold earlier as many questions raised at the conference was
    urgent by virtue of its urgency. It is enough to remember militaristic
    statements expressed by Azerbaijan, which left no doubt about the
    true intentions of Baku, acting in close tandem with Ankara. But as
    they say, better late than never. It is pleasant that the conference,
    recognizing the errors of the past, among which can be considered some
    disagreements not only between20the Armenian political forces, but also
    in the expert community, declared the urgent need of consolidation,
    mobilization of internal capacity of all Armenians. There was an
    idea at the conference that without Artsakh there is no Armenia,
    and by the highest standards, it is not possible without Diaspora
    too. By the way, it is well understood also in Azerbaijan and Turkey,
    which do not spare effort and means for the destruction of Artsakh as
    a national idea, which are knitted, formed in the years of Karabakh
    movement, trinity of Armenia, Diaspora and Artsakh. At the forum,
    as it was already noted, many relevant questions were raised, the
    solution of which individually were not possible.

    And the unification is capable to provide the search of decisions
    and their realization in the interests of the Armenian people in
    the face of the real threat proceeding from the Azerbaijan-Turkish
    alliance. Unfortunately, the threat, voluntarily or not, is supported
    also by a number of international structures involved in the process
    of the permission of the Karabakh conflict in particular and the
    Armenian-Turkish relations - in general.

    Thus, in the days of the Forum the countries-co-chairmen of the Minsk
    group of the OSCE within the limits of the statement accepted at the
    Summit G8 in Italy, were published the main principles of the Madrid
    proposals, on the basis of which, as is well known, now the process of
    the Karabakh settlement is held. It is enough to notice that one of
    the points of this document, concerning to the released territories,
    is unacceptable for the Karabakhian part as its performance threatens
    the safety of the NKR. There is no doubt that the situation in the
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict has undergone radical changes,
    which in itself also requires a change in the attitudes of both
    Armenian parts to the development of the national security. While
    at the conference came a question about further strengthening of the
    Three Ones, as it was noted by many at the forum, the realization of
    this formula appears in the form of clearly defined roles. Karabakh
    as a direct part of the conflict, a priori is located on the front
    line, which defines its mission. Armenia should support Artsakh by
    the diplomatic means under the NKR President's proclaimed principles,
    which reflect the concept of the Karabakh leadership concerning to the
    established state of the NKR. At the opening of the conference Bako
    Sahakyan once again clearly emphasized: "Our position was clear and
    has remained unchanged: the independence of the Republic of Nagorno
    Karabakh is fact and there can be no discussions". As for the Diaspora,
    an important role was given to it at the conference. The essence of it
    is in the support of the socio-economic development of NK as a state
    achieving the international recognition of its de facto independence.

    Only a coord inated approach to the realization of these basic and
    priority problems is capable to realize the total document accepted
    at the conference directed on the protection of the interests of the
    native land. That native land, which, according to the spirit of the
    conference, is a trinity of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora. It
    is necessary to hope that all plans born at the conference will be
    materialized in the concrete affairs.