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Nagorno-Karabakh Republic can tread in Diaspora's steps

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh Republic can tread in Diaspora's steps

    Aysor, Armenia
    Oct 31 2009

    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic can tread in Diaspora's steps

    The society does not concern on any dynamic developments related to
    the Armenian-Turkish relations and isn't even interested in it, says
    leader of Marxist Party of Armenia David Hakobyan.

    `The society has cooldowned and is now more awaiting for upcoming
    consequences. The only thing that Turkish diplomacy has reached is the
    three-parted disintegration among people due to territorial claims,'
    said David Hakobyan.

    According to Mr. Hakobyan, this situation has been called into being
    more by three presidents' activities than `football diplomacy'.
    Armenian people are in danger, he believes.

    `Armenian Diaspora has already taken thought to pick up the mandate of
    the territorial claims from Armenia's political powers and to become
    the only authorized claimant. It may bring into being the
    establishment of Government in Exile. Nagorno-Karabakh Republic can
    tread in these Diaspora's steps and pick up mandate from Armenia
    making its own decisions.'