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ANKARA: Turkey And Armenia Vow To Heal Past Wounds

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  • ANKARA: Turkey And Armenia Vow To Heal Past Wounds

    By Hugh Pope

    Today's Zaman
    Sept 2 2009

    It's been a long time coming, but Turkey and Armenia's vow on Aug. 31
    to establish diplomatic relations, open their long-closed border and
    begin to talk seriously about the past is excellent news.

    As laid out in our April 14 report "Turkey and Armenia: Opening
    Minds, Opening Borders," normalization between Turkey and Armenia will
    benefit not just their bilateral relationship. If successful, it could
    win back for Turkey and its Justice and Development Party (AK Party)
    government much of their recently faded prestige as domestic reformers,
    as regional peacemakers and as a country seriously intending to push
    forward with its accession process to the European Union.

    The brief joint announcement from Ankara, Yerevan and the Swiss
    mediators in Bern said that two protocols had been initialed on
    the establishment of diplomatic relations and the development of
    bilateral relations. The two sides committed to seeing the protocols
    through to parliamentary ratifications within six weeks -- that is,
    two days before an Oct. 14 World Cup qualifier match between Armenia
    and Turkey due to be played in the western Turkish provincial city
    of Bursa. Turkey hopes that Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan will
    accept its invitation to attend, just as Turkish President Abdullah
    Gul initiated the current process by attending the first round match
    in Yerevan in September 2008.

    Reasonable plan

    Texts of the two protocols circulating in Turkey and Armenia set
    out a fully rounded and reasonable plan. In a "Protocol on the
    Establishment of Diplomatic Relations," the two sides promised to
    establish diplomatic relations on the first day of the first month
    after ratification, to exchange diplomatic missions, to reopen the
    border within two months of ratification and to mutually recognize
    the existing border. In a "Protocol on Development of Relations" --
    to go into effect simultaneously with the diplomatic opening -- the
    two sides promised to promote cooperation in all areas from energy
    infrastructure to tourism; to set up a mechanism of regular foreign
    ministry consultations, including a main intergovernmental commission
    and seven sub-commissions; to act jointly to preserve the cultural
    heritage of both sides; and to establish consular cooperation. The
    protocols are accompanied by a detailed timetable, in which all
    steps and commissions would be fully implemented and in motion within
    four months.

    On the vexed question of how to describe the Ottoman-era massacres of
    Armenians in World War I -- widely known as the Armenian genocide, a
    label rejected by Turkey -- the "Protocol on Development of Relations"
    agreed to "implement a dialogue on the historical dimension with the
    aim to restore mutual confidence between the two nations, including an
    impartial scientific examination of the historical records and archives
    to define existing problems and formulate recommendations." The
    timetable adds that this dialogue will be conducted under the aegis
    of the main intergovernmental commission in a "sub-commission on the
    historical dimension ... in which Armenian, Turkish as well as Swiss
    and other international experts shall take part."

    In short, Turkey and Armenia have taken a brave and statesmanlike
    step. Both will win if it succeeds. Armenia will overcome the sense
    that it is surrounded and under siege, will open a new commercial
    and psychological gateway westward to Europe, will be able to look
    better after the interests of the many tens of thousands of Armenians
    working in Turkey, will be able to market its electricity surplus and
    have easier access to the many Armenian cultural and religious sites
    in eastern Turkey. For Turkey, the gains are just as significant:
    the ability to show European and Western partners that it is working
    toward closure with Armenians on the contested matter of the World War
    I massacres; to add a new plank in its efforts to bring stability,
    prosperity and cooperation through relations with all three of its
    Caucasus neighbors; and, finally, to achieve the satisfaction of full
    and public Armenian recognition of its borders.

    The Aug. 31 step towards normalization was originally expected
    in April, but Turkey backed away from the deal. All that could
    be announced on April 22 was a vague road map. This hesitation was
    apparently due to pressure from Azerbaijan -- a major supplier of cheap
    gas to Turkey, and with which Turkey shares close linguistic ties --
    and continued nationalist opposition to compromise with Armenia inside
    the Turkish political system. This coincided with a period in Turkey in
    which reforms towards EU accession had virtually halted; in which Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan appeared disengaged with EU ambitions
    and to be pursuing alternatives in Russia and the Middle East; and
    in which Turkey appeared to be taking sides in Middle Eastern issues,
    with notably harsh criticism of Israel. Turkey also appeared to side
    fully with Azerbaijan against Armenia, and it remains unclear what will
    happen to Erdogan's May 14 promise to the Azerbaijani National Assembly
    that there would be no opening of the Armenia-Turkey border until
    there is an Armenian withdrawal from occupied Azerbaijani territory.

    The news that normalization with Armenia is back on track, therefore,
    is a signal that Turkey may be changing direction again. In the
    past few months, Turkey and the AK Party leadership have also begun
    to push hard for progress on two other difficult dossiers, coming
    to terms with the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq and firmly
    setting out a framework of reconciliation with its own substantial
    Kurdish community. Progress towards Turkey-Armenia normalization has
    also been helped by the unusual way that the US and Russia appear
    to have been working separately toward a similar compromise outcome
    and pushing more actively for progress toward a settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The fact that Turkey is now leaning back towards a reconciliation
    with Armenia will do much to clear doubts about the country's
    posture and the priorities of Prime Minister Erdogan. It will also
    do proper credit to the polls that showed 70 percent of the Turkish
    population supported President Gul's gesture of visiting Armenia for
    last September's first round soccer match, and the great strides
    Turkey's intellectual and political elites have taken in the past
    decade to dismiss the old-fashioned narrative of nationalist denial
    towards the catastrophic Armenian massacres of 1915. Normalization
    with Armenia will also give real substance to new Foreign Minister
    Ahmet Davutoglu's stated goals of "zero problems" and "peace in the
    neighborhood." However, while reconciliation with Armenia will rightly
    attract great positive attention in Europe, the next test will not
    be long in coming.

    Turkey has to find a way to expedite a solution to the long-running
    Cyprus problem in the next several months or see its EU accession
    process effectively grind to a halt.

    *Hugh Pope is the director of the Turkey/Cyprus Project at
    International Crisis Group and the author of "Sons of the Conquerors:
    the Rise of the Turkic World" (Overlook Duckworth, New York:
    2005). This article was originally published on the International
    Crisis Group Web site on Sept. 1.