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Which Version Is Expedient For Rp

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  • Which Version Is Expedient For Rp

    14:41:35 - 23/03/2010

    The interview of the Armenian former foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan,
    in which he stated about the reasonability of change of power in
    Armenia, caused strong reaction within the Republican Party. RP members
    made statements one after another, who retorted that they only continue
    the policy "embedded" by the same Oskanyan, together with his patron,
    Robert Kocharyan. Then, they contradicted themselves saying that
    Serge Sargsyan conducts a more proactive policy, which seeks for the
    participation of Karabakh in the negotiations, declares non-recognition
    of the Kars Treaty, and last year he was attended by 8 presidents.

    Not going into details of the quarrel between the former and current
    powers, let us focus on the fact that Vardan Oskanyan did not propose
    extraordinary elections but only change of power. Hence, his statement
    does not correspond to the opinion of the Armenian National Congress
    which demands extraordinary elections to be held this summer.

    What Vardan Oskanyan means by change of power, if not extraordinary
    elections? Apparently, we are talking about a "velvet" change of power,
    when some person, who is not "from the team", is appointed to a post
    and the power smoothly flows into the hands of the new or old team -
    without any elections. Thus one can exclude the participation of the
    opposition, and social upheavals that accompany elections.

    Which of these versions is expedient for the Republican Party -
    elections in which the HAK, ARF, and Heritage will surely take part,
    or "velvet" shift of power which may be handed to Robert Kocharyan? RP
    officially refuses Robert Kocharyan. "Today, the Republican Party
    along with the coalition has enough force and we do not need new
    people. If there is some need, we perhaps, will turn to Robert
    Kocharyan as an experienced political figure. Let us digest March 1",
    said the Vice-chairman of the Republican Party Razmik Zohrabyan,
    putting responsibility for March 1 on Robert Kocharyan. Under the
    current situation, extraordinary elections may seem a better version
    for the RP.