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It's time to tackle Gukurahundi once and for all

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  • It's time to tackle Gukurahundi once and for all

    It's time to tackle Gukurahundi once and for all

    May 15, 2010

    A matter that is not resolved in the right manner is never buried and it
    never dies. Take for example the slaughter of Armenian people by the Ottoman
    (Turkish) army in 1895-96 and 1909.

    The Turkish government denies that genocide ever took place. The reality of
    the matter is that the matter will always be around and will cause problems.
    That is the case with the issue of Gukurahundi in Zimbabwe. When Zimbabwe
    became independent there was a never a proper sit-down to say, okay, what
    were we fighting for and how do we reconcile what we were fighting for with
    what's obtained on the ground?

    How do the blacks in general and the war veterans in particular move past
    the fact that for decades whites had been oppressing them and humiliating
    them in their own country. The chickens came home to roost in 2000 and the
    world cried foul. What the world forgot was that for decades a wrong had
    been done and nothing had been done to right that wrong.

    Julius Malema tends to overrun his mouth sometimes, but in his rantings does
    he not raise valid points? The problem is that the likes of Malema come to
    Zimbabwe and praise Mugabe without thinking twice of what he did in
    Matabeleland in the '80s.
    The world and Mugabe seem to have forgotten that a wrong was done in
    Matabeleland and nothing was done to right that wrong.

    While we are constantly reminded of the wrongs that the whites did before
    1980, everyone, except of course the Ndebeles, have forgotten that 20 000 or
    more Ndebeles and moderate Shonas were murdered. And if nothing is done to
    right the wrong, we will never move past that dark episode.

    The inviting of the North Korean national soccer team to camp in Zimbabwe by
    Zanu-PF shows an irritating amount of arrogance.

    We have not moved past Gukurahundi and the problem cannot be wished away.

    Recently, the visual artist Owen Maseko was arrested for allegedly insulting
    Mugabe in his exhibition Sibathontisele. But we all know it was for daring
    to raise the issue of Gukurahundi. Late last year, my play Poetic Journey
    was disrupted by Zanu-PF loyalists because it too touched on this sensitive

    The Zimbabwean government, or better still commander in chief of Zimbabwe
    defence forces, Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe, should realise that they have
    to deal with the issue of Gukurahundi. And by dealing with it I don't mean
    throwing everyone into jail or abducting the vocal members of the Ndebele
    society in the dead of night.
    I for one lost my father to Gukurahundi and I think imprisoning Mugabe would
    be revenge, which pollutes the soul. I would prefer a truth and
    reconciliation commission. The fact that there is no acknowledgement of the
    matter is rather irritating.

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