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Ankara Raises Its Voice

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  • Ankara Raises Its Voice


    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta

    RusData Dialine - Russian Press Digest
    December 27, 2011 Tuesday

    Turkey's role is on the rise in the region and beyond

    Public attention has been drawn recently to the loud exchange between
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and French President
    Nicolas Sarkozy about a draft law that would criminalize denial of the
    1915 Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, which is currently being
    reviewed by French parliament. Both public figures, as we know, are
    never at a loss for words - and both are tuned to their audience's
    moods, at times sacrificing the purely commercial interests of their
    countries' businessmen.

    In 2009, Israeli President Shimon Peres was the target of Erdogan's
    outburst at the World Economic Forum in Davos, and today's target
    is the president of an even larger country - one that is also a NATO
    ally. One could say that the Prime Minister's voice is getting louder.

    The reasons for Turkey's growing volume on the global arena are its
    increased economic clout and international influence. It's no accident
    that in one of Erdogan's retorts, addressed to the European Union,
    he advised: "Look at us, and look at the current state of Europe." He
    was referring to the advanced pace of development in Turkey - and the
    financial crisis and stalemate in today's European Union. Seemingly,
    Erdogan's most recent wordplay has reduced Turkey's chances for
    EU accession. However, judging from the statements of the Turkish
    officials, Ankara is losing its interest in this, increasing its
    cooperation with the United States instead.

    Turkey is also playing a greater role in the region, where it
    has sidelined Egypt from its leading power position. To get there,
    Ankara quite easily sacrificed its former economic and military ties
    with Israel. Now, Ankara's influence is growing stronger with all
    the countries of the former Ottoman Empire. The moderate Islamists,
    who were able to raise their heads after the Arab Spring, see Turkey's
    system as an example. Turkish leaders are, in various ways, encouraging
    their desire to imitate.

    Ankara's political stance, which is to avoid confrontation with
    neighbors, has been set aside. Today, Ankara is taking an active part
    in the events in Syria, having called numerous times on President
    Bashar al-Assad to step down. Not only have Syrian opposition forces
    firmly settled on Turkish territory but, based on some reports,
    so have the rebel groups. Moreover, the idea of creating liberated
    areas in the contagious zone of Syria and Turkey, is being expressed
    increasingly often in NATO circles. Recall that Turkey has the second
    largest army in the Alliance. It should also be borne in mind that
    Turkey's further involvement in Syrian affairs could lead to the
    deterioration of its relations with another neighboring state - Iran.

    Turkey's activities are not limited to the surrounding region. It
    has a noticeable presence on post-Soviet territory - particularly
    in countries with Turkic-speaking populations. There, in addition
    to strengthening economic positions, Turkey is raising its cultural
    influence by building schools with a growing number of graduates
    who can subsequently continue their studies in Turkey. The first
    Summit of Turkic-Speaking Countries was held this year. All of this
    indicates that Turkey's interests extend beyond regional boundaries -
    and that it is already an inter-regional power.

    Moscow has excellent relations with Ankara - mainly in the economic
    sector. At the same time, the neighboring state's rising influence must
    be taken into consideration. It will become increasingly more apparent
    in a region in which Russia has traditionally had its interests -
    and they will need to be protected.
