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Turkish military top brass sacked to prevent political crisis

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  • Turkish military top brass sacked to prevent political crisis

    Turkish military top brass sacked to prevent political crisis

    July 30, 2011 - 16:58 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The resignation of Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed
    Forces Ishik Koshaner is a planned action of the Turkish authorities
    to prevent the beginning of possible political crisis, Trend cites
    Turkish political analyst Ismail Yasha as saying.

    "The representatives of the highest ranks of the Turkish army have
    recently made a lot of faults," he told Trend over phone. "In
    particular, they interfered in the investigation on the overthrow of
    the power in the country."

    Yesterday, Chief of Staff of Turkish Armed Forces Ishik Koshaner
    resigned after a meeting in private with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan. As reported by the Turkish media, Erdogan wanted to Koshaner
    retired. In response, Koshaner resigned.

    Along with Koshaner other three Land, Naval, Air Armed Forces
    Generals, Erdal Jeylanoghlu, Hasan Aksay, Ughur Yighit asked for
    retirements as well, local media reported.

    The expert said that Koshaner's resignation was inevitable after 13
    soldiers of the Turkish army were killed while clashing with Kurdish

    "This case shows that the Turkish army needs reorganizing," he said.

    Separatist Kurdish rebels killed 13 Turkish soldiers and wounded six
    others on July 14 in Diyarbakir province.

    The case on investigating the details of the incident was transferred
    from the army to the police according to the governmental decree. The
    expert also thinks that after Koshaner's resignation, the ruling
    Justice and Development Party's positions will be strengthened.

    "The differences between the army and the government after the
    "Sledgehammer" plan could lead to chaos in the country," the expert
    said. "After Koshaner's resignation, the ruling Justice and
    Development Party's positions will be strengthened and there will be
    no threat of chaos."

    According to the pro-governmental newspaper Taraf's assumptions,
    Turkish Armed Forces prepared the "Sledgehammer" plan to overthrow the
    government in 2010.

    The expert also stressed that no political crisis is expected to occur
    in Turkey in connection with Koshaner's resignation, as the population
    of the country welcomes the resignation of Chief of Staff of Turkish
    Armed Forces.

    "The people welcome the beginning of reorganizing the Turkish army," he said.
