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Kristen Hagopian: Create a Fabulous Summer Barbecue Without ...

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  • Kristen Hagopian: Create a Fabulous Summer Barbecue Without ...

    Kristen Hagopian: Create a Fabulous Summer Barbecue Without Roasting
    Your Wallet!
    By Kristen Hagopian

    Sunday June 12, 2011


    Yup, this first heat wave of the year makes it official - it's

    Bring on the barbeque! I'm hearing from a lot of people how the double
    whammy of tighter wallets combined with rising food prices is putting
    the potential squash on summer entertaining plans.

    But no fear - your food-loving-frugalista is here! Read on to throw a
    fabulous summer bash, without getting bashed at the bank.

    The Food - If you're like most summertime party-throwers, the
    neighborhood all-you-can-eat-steak cookout of years past might be well
    out of your budget comfort zone this July. No worries, easy solutions
    abound that will still satisfy your heartiest meat-loving friends.

    A fabulous alternative: take one of those gorgeous steaks, cube it,
    and skewer it with fabulous veggies like zucchini, grape tomatoes and
    peppers to create enough beef kebobs for four people! If one of your
    wonderful neighbors is just starting to get produce in their garden,
    encourage them to bring as much as they'd like, and add it to the mix!
    It cuts down the food costs significantly, and guests will adore your
    culinary touches.

    To cut down the costs further, never forget your meat and potatoes
    purist buddies who come to a barbeque looking for nothing more than a
    fabulous burger, a hot dog or two, and a handful of chips.

    Keep the costs low by hitting your local discount gourmet grocery to
    get the best brand names of those summertime staples, for easily 50%

    And don't forget to pick up fresh jars of condiments as well!

    This time, in addition to the usual ketchup, mustard and relish, keep
    an eye out for some of the more exotic fare. Burgers are great, but
    burgers put together with some salt, pepper and oregano, topped with
    jalapeno-studded-swiss and a touch of herbed mayo are going to be
    raved over. It's the little touches that your guests will adore, and
    they'll cost pennies to create.

    The Side Dishes - Here is where a brilliant summertime host can really
    shine without breaking the bank. Potato salads, pasta salads, green
    salads, all easy to make (don't you dare hit the supermarket and pay
    $25 for a container of potato salad you can easily make for $2!). The
    secret is in the ingredients. The simplest of herbs, the perfect blend
    of spices, the right vinaigrette will turn an average salad into a

    Hit your local discount gourmet grocery for the ingredients, then head
    to a dependable recipe database like and go
    straight for the `Easy' recipes.

    There you'll find thousands of recipes for every bite of your BBQ menu
    - fun, fabulous, and zero stress. You'll have a table full of
    incredible side dishes faster than you can say `Paula Deen."

    The Alcohol - I've spoken to people (who clearly party far heartier
    than I do) who have regaled me with stories of parties of years past
    in which the alcohol budget inadvertently surpassed that month's
    rent. Yowsa. It's generally acknowledged that an alcohol budget can be
    one of the toughest things to keep under control when you want to pull
    off a great party.

    The fabulous fact here is that all of your guests are going to want to
    bring something to your get-together, and here is where their
    offerings can keep costs down considerably. Have your buddies with the
    more expensive beer tastes bring a pack of their favorites; let your
    designated driver friends bring a pack of their favorite organic
    carbonated cola. You supplement with the sodas and mixers. Always
    remember, the more the thermometer peaks at your party, the more you
    need to stay hydrated - above all else, keep the ice water flowing!

    The Kids at Your Party - Throwing a bash that will ensure lots of
    little ones running around? How fabulous, the more the merrier! Keep
    in mind that your ingrained frugalista mindset is perfect for a
    munchkin menu. Kids have wonderfully simple tastes that couldn't be
    easier to satisfy. Your fabulous orzo and zucchini medley delicately
    tossed with raspberry vinaigrette will get little more than a wary
    glance from these guys. However, hotdogs, chips, brightly colored soda
    and some fun desserts (unlimited cupcakes and popsicles, anyone?) will
    put you at hero status with the 12-and-younger crowd. Hey, you're only
    young once.

    Above all else, remember that these fabulous get-togethers are about
    celebrating another gorgeous, long-awaited summer and having a
    terrific time with family and friends. Bon Appetit!

    Kristen Hagopian is a Motivational Speaker and Author of `Brilliant
    Frugal Living', conducting humorous lectures on personal finance and
    wealth-building to civic, corporate and private groups. She lives with
    her husband and two kids in Elverson, PA. Her book is available at, is downloadable to Kindle and can be ordered at her

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress