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ANKARA: Turkey's PM Addressed 66th UN General Assembly

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  • ANKARA: Turkey's PM Addressed 66th UN General Assembly


    The Official Turkish Radio and Television Corporation
    Sept 26 2011

    Addressing the 66th General Assembly at the United Nations, Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered clear messages to the
    world leaders regarding the recognition of Palestine as a state,
    Turkey-Israel relations, drilling crisis in the Mediterranean and
    the humanitarian tragedy in Somalia.

    Erdogan underlined that Palestine should be granted full UN membership
    at the General Assembly.

    Turkey's Premier said "Turkey extends full support to Palestine in its
    bid to be recognized as a state." Erdogan harshly criticized Israel's
    policy towards Palestine and reacted against the indifference shown
    by the United Nations.

    "Israel is the one using unproportionate force, but it faces no
    sanctions," said Erdogan, adding that "There is no substitute for

    "Our demands from Israel are clear: an apology for the killing of
    nine Turks, compensation to families of those killed and an end to
    the blockade imposed on Gaza. Our attitude vis-a-vis Israel will
    not change unless Israel took these steps", Erdogan said, pointing
    out that the problem stems from the violent policies of the Israeli
    government, and Turkey has no problems with the people of Israel.

    Turkish Prime Minister also touched upon the drilling crisis. Saying
    that they expect all sides involved to make efforts to end Greek
    Cypriot sector's initiatives that cause tension in the region,
    Erdogan said and noted "Otherwise, we will do what needs to be done."

    Prime Minister Erdogan also criticized the attitude of the United
    Nations, which he said has failed in to show the leadership necessary
    to win over fear threatening humanity and their hopes. "The United
    Nations needs to go through a restructuring process and renew its
    vision so that it protects the laws of humanity and does not serve
    the interest of a certain number of countries," he said.

    Regarding Somalia, Prime Minister Erdogan said the situation in
    Somalia is the failure of the international community.

    He also touched upon the dispute in the Upper Karabakh region and said
    "It is unacceptable to see a problem as Upper Karabakh to remain
    unsolved. It is our political and ethical responsibility to find
    solutions to international problems before they become gangrenous."
