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Constitution Is The Guarantee of Protection of HR and Freedoms

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  • Constitution Is The Guarantee of Protection of HR and Freedoms

    Thursday, 13 December 2012 09:46
    Interview of NKR Minister of Justice Ararat DANIYELIAN
    to Azat Artsakh newspaper

    - Mr. Daniyelian, in due time, you were a member of the state
    commission on elaborating the draft Constitution of the NKR. Today,
    six years after the adoption of the Constitution, how would you assess
    its significance for the process of state-building in the Republic?
    - Constitution as the Basic Law of a state is adopted in crucial
    periods of its history. Adopting its Constitution, a state wants to
    legally endorse the achievements at a certain stage of development,
    particularly when it concerns democratic reforms.
    The adoption of our Constitution in 2006 was the logical culmination
    of the process of laying the foundations of our statehood, which
    started after the proclamation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in
    1991. A new page in the history of our Republic was opened, that is,
    our constitutional history started. Like any Constitution, the Basic
    Law of our country is a reference point in determining the direction
    of sustainable development and consolidation of the statehood.
    It should be noted that not all the constitutional provisions are in
    demand immediately. A certain part of them comes into force easily and
    is often used, while other provisions are realized with the passage of
    time. Life itself dictates the need to apply to certain constitutional
    provisions. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 7 of the
    Constitution, international treaties are part of the NKR legal system.
    However, only recently, we have started the process of unilateral
    adherence to international treaties and conventions and their
    ratification. First, this confirms our commitment to the values
    assumed by us, and secondly, it will contribute to the international
    recognition of our Republic. Importantly, it will allow our citizens
    to fully protect their rights and freedoms within the state, which
    assumes the corresponding commitments. In other words, thanks to this,
    the legal basis for protecting human rights and freedoms is expanding
    and strengthening. The shortest way to the recognition of our Republic
    by the progressive international community, which does not need great
    expenses, is the increase of the level of human rights protection.
    The Constitution is a factor ensuring the stability in the society and
    in the state in general. Because the adoption of the Constitution,
    first of all, limits the powers of the authorities, or, in fact, the
    power and officials may perform only those actions, for which they are
    authorized by the Constitution. Given this fact, the Basic Law is
    unacceptable to subject to frequent changes - this will not lead to
    anything good.
    The Constitution, as the basis for the legislation, regulates the
    current public relations; however, in terms of the prospects, it is a
    document of the future, since the implementation of some of its
    provisions and rules takes time. To establish a firm deadline for
    bringing the acting legislation in correspondence with the
    Constitution is not quite right, because life itself dictates and
    introduces its adjustments.
    - The legislation of any state, including the Constitution itself, is
    not something given once and for all and is not dogmatic. Along with
    life it develops, undergoing certain changes. How is the lawmaking
    process going on in the Republic, and is the entire legislative basis
    brought in correspondence with the requirements of the NKR Basic Law?
    - As is known, before the constitutional referendum in 2006, the
    Parliament of our country adopted over 600 laws. Article 141 of the
    NKR Constitution provides for bringing the legislation into conformity
    with the Basic Law. For the years passed, much has been done to
    accomplish this task. In particular, the list of laws to be brought
    into conformity with the Constitution's provisions was determined.
    But, this is a long process, as it depends on how actively the
    provisions of the Constitution are applied. Or, life itself confirms
    the validity of any law provisions. Simple comparison of laws with the
    Constitution cannot fully determine the constitutionality of any legal
    act. The implementation of any constitutional provisions should be
    dictated by life, or the theoretical provisions should be reflected in
    the law enforcement practice.
    - The NKR Constitution declares the fundamental human rights and
    freedoms as inalienable and supreme values. As for its applied nature,
    can we state that the Basic Law of our Republic actually guarantees
    the citizens' exercise of their rights and advocates their interests?
    - Chapter 2 of the NKR Constitution is devoted to the fundamental
    rights, freedoms and duties of the citizens. The reflection of these
    rights and freedoms in the Constitution is in itself a constitutional
    guarantee of the declared rights and freedoms. However, their mere
    provision by the Constitution is not enough, and a mechanism of
    enforcing these rights is needed. The most important factor in the
    restoration of the citizens' violated rights and freedoms are judicial
    In the protection of the rights and freedoms, of great importance is
    the constitutional culture, which involves a set of social values
    and institutions, a certain level of social and legal consciousness.
    The citizens' knowledge of their constitutional rights increases the
    effectiveness of their protection. From this point of view, the
    institute of individual consideration of a constitutional claim is an
    efficient means. Thus, paragraph 2.6 of Article 114 of the
    Constitution provides for the appeal of each person to the
    Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court with an individual claim
    on a concrete case, when a final act of the court is available, all
    the means of court protection are exhausted, and the constitutionality
    of the provisions of the normative act, which is applied to it by the
    act of the court, is challenged.
    But, in practice, this constitutional provision is not acting for the
    simple reason that none of the citizens has enjoyed this right so far.
    Meanwhile, this institute contributes to raising the level of legal
    awareness and constitutionalization of public relations. In the
    process of state-building, we must seek the establishment of
    constitutional democracy in the Republic, which supposes real
    separation of the power branches, with the active role of
    constitutional juridical proceedings. Constitutionalism requires such
    public relations, in which the power and officials are authorized to
    do only what is defined by law, and the citizens can do anything not
    prohibited by law.
    Defining human rights and freedoms as the highest values, the
    Constitution thus takes as the basis the natural and legal doctrine.
    It limits the claims of the state to determine on its own the scope of
    rights and freedoms of an individual, ignoring the set of rights,
    which are needed for his normal life and are objectively inherent to
    him from his birth.

    Interviewed by
    Leonid MARTIROSSIAN onstitution-is-the-guarantee-of-protection-of-human-rights-and-freedoms&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
