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The Plague Of Degradation

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  • The Plague Of Degradation

    Haik Aramyan

    14:06 27/12/2012
    Story from News:

    Why did the so-called main Armenian political forces - the PAP,
    the Congress and the ARF - withdraw from the race one after another?

    These parties said they will not nominate a candidate and will not
    support other candidates.

    Perhaps because they think it is meaningless to run in an election
    the results of which have been predetermined. This point of view
    is grounded since not only these but also a lot of other political
    forces of Armenia have never done politics but have agreed on seats
    in parliament and posts in government, as well as business quotas. In
    other words, they have always acted by the principle "the results of
    the election have been predetermined". Most probably, on the eve of
    the upcoming election Serzh Sargsyan did not promise them anything
    so they had to withdraw from the race.

    Boycott would be an expression of political will by these forces but
    they did not boycott either which comes to prove the abovementioned
    point of view.

    The circumstances are similar in the case of the Armenian National
    Congress and the ARF. These parties tried to enter into deals both
    before the parliamentary and presidential elections. In the case of
    the parliament they succeeded, and the Congress entered the parliament
    under the aegis of the Congress. However, ahead of the presidential
    election this cooperation did not lead anywhere, this initially absurd
    "program" diligently worked out by the followers of the political
    school of the Congress and the PAP team failed.

    It is difficult to insist that Gagik Tsarukyan was removed from the
    game by Serzh Sargsyan. It is more probable that Tsarukyan himself
    wanted to withdraw from the race due to doubts of a plot in the
    program of the team which is able to make political decisions.

    Tsarukyan knew he might be scapegoated for the failure of the schemes
    of the program and its supporters. It became obvious in the final
    stage, and Gagik Tsarukyan had the brains to understand that.

    After Gagik Tsarukyan's decision Ter-Petrosyan immediately remembered
    his age and withdrew from the race. Because in this case it was
    meaningless to fight, considering 7% of votes in the parliamentary
    election. Having lost its reputation and facing controversies,
    Ter-Petrosyan did not have other resources besides the PAP.

    In fact, Tsarukyan and Ter-Petrosyan refused, as Hakob Badalyan
    described it, to pull chestnuts from the fire for Robert Kocharyan for
    who the upcoming presidential election was merely an opportunity to
    annoy Serzh Sargsyan and cause tension. Ter-Petrosyan and Tsarukyan
    understood that Serzh Sargsyan's clampdown on them in case of any
    tension would be "legitimate" and supported by foreign forces.

    In fact, Kocharyan also left "politics" where he has never been, not
    even during ten years of presidency. In the next electoral stage he
    will already have approached the retirement age and will not complain
    of the circumstance of being "the youngest pensioner". In answer to
    the "request of the nation" he will be able to refuse by referring
    to his age, following Levon Ter-Petrosyan's example.

    The "political dinosaurs" of Armenia are leaving. Perhaps this is
    the only positive thing of the activities of that generation and
    the system it has created, and in the social and political life of
    Armenia. This generation got a historical chance to leave whereas
    they "distinguished" themselves by activities the result of which is
    Armenia, a country with alienated people.

    This generation must leave without causing shocks and shedding blood,
    taking along its system, and it will be its sole favor to the Armenian
    people. It is the demand of time and the system cannot do anything
    about it. When the eyes of people open and their awareness comes,
    when they understand that they are the real owners of their country,
    it is impossible to mislead them by idols and saviors, which is the
    only thing the system can offer to its people.

    Interestingly, Gagik Tsarukyan was the first to understand this.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress