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France Has Angered Turkey By Passing A Bill Recognizing The Armenian

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  • France Has Angered Turkey By Passing A Bill Recognizing The Armenian


    Business Insider
    Jan 23 2012

    In a historic move, the French Senate has passed a bill making it
    illegal to deny that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Armenians
    in 1915 Turkey was genocide, the AP reports.

    Saskya Vandoorne, a CNN reporter in Paris, tweets that the final vote
    stood at 127 for, 86 against.

    This controversial vote may have cause repercussions.

    Earlier on Monday, Turkey threatened to impose more, "permanent"
    sanctions on France if the bill was passed by the Senate (the upper
    house), Turkey's foreign minister told France 24. The bill had already
    received the seal of approval by an overwhelming majority in the
    lower National Assembly last month.

    In what is seen as an attempt to appease Ankara, the draft law outlaws
    public denial of any genocide recognized by the French state (and not
    just that of the Armenians), Reuters reports. The bill -- which will
    punish denial with a year's jail and a fine of up to 45,000 euros
    ($58,000) -- was supported by both the ruling conservatives and the
    opposition socialists.

    France officially recognized the Armenian killings as genocide in
    2001, joining 20 other countries in doing so. According to Armenian
    historians, up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman
    Turks during World War I, and their assets appropriated by Kemal
    Ataturk to establish the Turkish republic in 1923. Turkey claims only
    about 500,000 Armenians were killed in the context of the world war
    and an invasion by Russia, according to France 24.

    The next step for the bill is for Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy
    to ratify it before parliament is suspended in February. The bill
    can still be rejected by the country's highest court if that body
    considers the text unconstitutional, according to Reuters.

    Over the weekend, thousands of Turks from all over Europe protested
    the bill. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said it impinged
    on freedom of expression. "This bill would punish me for having an
    opinion on an historical event. It goes against all European and
    French values of freedom of expression," he told France 24.

    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has also accused France of committing
    its own genocide during the war in Algeria in the 1950s and 1960s.

    While Turkey, a candidate for EU membership, may not be able to impose
    economic sanctions on France due to various accords and agreements, it
    will create diplomatic tension between the two NATO allies, especially
    given Turkey's roles in the events unfolding in the Middle East.

    France-Turkey trade could also be impacted; according to CNN, it
    stands at $13.5 billion.

    And Turkey does not make empty threats. When the genocide bill was
    passed by France's lower house, Turkey briefly withdrew its Paris
    ambassador and froze military cooperation with France.
