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America's Marxist picnic: why government no longer worries about com

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  • America's Marxist picnic: why government no longer worries about com

    World News Daily
    June 17 2012

    America's Marxist picnic

    Exclusive: David Kupelian explains why government no longer worries
    about communists

    Here's a very personal story that illustrates just how radically
    America's attitude toward Marxism and communism has changed during our

    It's about one of our nation's top rocket scientists - my dad, Vahey
    S. Kupelian, who if he were still alive would be 100 years old June

    As a little boy, my dad survived the horrific Turkish genocide of the
    Armenians that took the life of his physician father, infant sister
    and dozens of other family members. Yet he and his mother, Mary, were
    blessed to escape to the Promised Land, America, where they thrived.
    It was hard - my father worked as a janitor at age 13 while he was
    learning English - but a few years later he graduated from MIT and
    ultimately became one of this nation's key aerospace pioneers.

    As the Army's chief scientist for ballistic missile defense, and
    later, as deputy undersecretary of defense for strategic and theater
    nuclear forces under Ronald Reagan, my dad contributed greatly to his
    adopted nation's security, heading up the development of many
    cutting-edge ballistic missile defense projects including the Army's
    HIT program - the original `spaced-based' missile interceptor in
    Reagan's visionary Strategic Defense Initiative.

    In fact, as I write this, I'm holding the original of a personal
    letter to my dad from President Reagan, which says, in part:

    `You have been responsible for major steps forward in our ability to
    deter aggression and to meet the threats posed by our adversaries. I
    am particularly grateful to you for the outstanding leadership you
    have contributed to our strategic defense program. Because of your
    ideas and your labor, we are much closer to reaching the dream of a
    world free of the possibility of nuclear holocaust. Your work on
    ballistic missile defenses will have a profound and continuing effect
    on U.S. policies and strategic thinking for generations to come. God
    bless you. Sincerely, Ronald Reagan.'

    Yet there was a time during the 1970s that my father's four-decade
    career was in danger of grinding to a halt, when the government
    considered withdrawing his top secret security clearance.


    Well, it seems that decades earlier, during his teen years, his mother
    had driven to an Armenian church picnic (Armenia was then, however
    unwillingly, part the Soviet Union) where apparently a pro-Soviet
    speaker gave a talk, and she had picked up a copy of the communist
    newspaper Workers World. The FBI was surveilling the event as possibly
    subversive, took down my grandmother's license plate, and somehow -
    years later - made the cross-connection with my dad's top secret
    clearance and determined to find out whether he had any communist or
    Soviet loyalties.

    This, we must remember, occurred during an era when, due to proven
    Soviet infiltration of the United States government, the FBI was very
    concerned about the loyalty of federal employees, especially those
    with security clearances and access to sensitive national security

    Today, those on the left contemptuously scoff at the `McCarthy era,'
    `red scare' and `Hollywood blacklist' as though they constituted the
    modern equivalent of the Salem witch trials, hysterically demonizing
    and destroying the lives of countless innocents.

    Innocent? It's true that some Americans faddishly joined the Communist
    Party USA because it was the `cool' (if stupid and deluded) thing to
    do at that time (when Reagan headed the Screen Actors Guild there were
    more than 400 Communist Party members in Hollywood alone, including
    well-known actors and directors, some of whom later disavowed their
    previous communist infatuation). However, overshadowing this is the
    reality that the U.S. government was host to many real-life Soviet
    agents, as proven conclusively by the post-Cold War release of the
    decrypted `Venona cables' in 1995, transcripts of actual
    communications between the Kremlin and Soviet agents in the U.S.

    Let's be very clear: We're talking about people in the United States
    government, some in very senior positions, who were secretly loyal to
    our No.1 enemy - an `evil empire' dedicated to America's destruction -
    a threat ultimately manifesting in thousands of nuclear-tipped
    intercontinental ballistic missiles aimed at American population
    centers. It was not `cool' to have such people occupy trusted
    positions in our government.

    Therefore, due to this official fervor to root out communists at that
    time, my father was in danger of losing his security clearance. Years
    later, my mother would tell me of my dad sitting on the side of their
    bed, tearfully breaking the news to her that he might lose his career
    and livelihood over this long-forgotten Workers World incident from
    decades earlier.

    Crazy as this scenario may sound - high-level government concern over
    reported possession of a communist newspaper his mother picked up at a
    church picnic - my dad submitted a detailed written defense of his
    picnic activities to the FBI.

    In the aftermath of my mother's recent death, I have had occasion to
    go through many of my father's papers and came across a partial copy
    of his defense.

    As my dad explained to the government, his mother Mary was a trained
    social worker who dealt routinely with people of foreign nationalities
    and differing political ideologies, and she had an obvious special
    interest in helping Armenians. Therefore, explained my father, she was
    `bound to come into contact with ... persons who were pro-Soviet

    `Since my mother was a social and Americanization worker with many
    ethnic groups, she would have had access to some of their nationality
    journals and papers,' my dad continued, explaining:

    At one time or other I recollect seeing papers in Armenian, Turkish,
    Greek, and probably even the Daily Worker, which I presumed contained
    news of Soviet Armenia. However, I don't recall actually reading the
    Daily Worker, and I know that it has never had any bearing on my
    political thinking. ...

    I cannot recall ever having attended, specifically, any meetings,
    picnic, or rally where any kind of political speeches were given. It
    is inevitable that I may have gone to an occasional Armenian picnic
    where Armenians of all political beliefs were present, but I cannot
    recall any such picnics or other meetings where political propaganda
    was distributed or the Daily Worker was distributed. I have never been
    a subscriber to the Daily Worker or the Sunday edition of that
    newspaper and I have never subscribed to any periodicals or papers
    that promoted Communism.

    I am not now nor have I ever been a member of or in any way affiliated
    with the Communist Party or any other Communist controlled or Soviet
    organization. To the best of my knowledge, I have never belonged to
    any organization designated by the Attorney General of the United ...

    That's all I've got - `United' being the last word typed on Page 4,
    the only page I have of my dad's defense of his and his mom's youthful
    picnicking activities. Had the government not believed him, our nation
    would have lost one of its most important, creative and loyal defense

    Now let's contrast the government's level of concern over communism a
    generation ago with that of today.

    The president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama - whose level
    of security clearance is far higher than was my dad's, who indeed has
    access to all intelligence and all secrets, not to mention having his
    `finger on the nuclear button' - was during his college years a
    committed Marxist, advocating the revolutionary overthrow of America's
    capitalist system. His father was a communist. His main mentor as a
    young teenager, Frank Marshall Davis, was a card-carrying member of
    the Communist Party USA.

    Obama admits in `Dreams From My Father' that, during college, he was
    attracted to the `Marxist professors.' Indeed, the Marxist student
    leader at Occidental College at the time, John Drew, says Obama was
    far more radical than even Drew was, actually believing that Marx's
    prophesied proletariat revolution to overthrow capitalism was imminent
    in the United States. Today Drew, who has long since repudiated his
    former radicalism, says that even in his Marxist days he attempted to
    rein in Obama by trying to persuade him to work within America's
    political system to bring about the Marxist transformation they all

    After college, Obama followed in the footsteps of Chicago Marxist Saul
    Alinsky and went on to practice and teach Alinsky's revolutionary
    street-organizing methods. Obama launched his political career in the
    living room of Bill Ayers, a self-described `small-c communist' and
    unrepentant Pentagon-bombing terrorist. Moreover, the evidence is
    indisputable that Ayers played a major role in writing Obama's highly
    acclaimed autobiography, `Dreams From My Father.'

    Obama's pastor for two decades, whom he described as his `spiritual
    mentor,' was Jeremiah Wright, a perennially enraged, America-hating
    purveyor of `Black Liberation Theology' (Marxism disguised as
    Christianity). As president, Obama appointed as White House
    communications director Anita Dunn, who in a speech to students
    claimed mass-murdering Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong was one of
    her `favorite political philosophers,' and `green jobs czar' Van
    Jones, who in his earlier years admitted to being a communist and, in
    fact, founded the communist group Standing Together to Organize a
    Revolutionary Movement, or STORM.

    I could go on and on. These oft-cited facts merely scratch the surface
    of Obama's long-term radicalism. But the point in juxtaposing my
    father's story and Obama's is as inescapable as it is troubling:

    My dad, a true American who was immeasurably grateful and loyal to his
    adopted country, could have lost everything because his mother went to
    a church picnic and picked up a Marxist rag.

    That was then. But now, sitting in the White House is a man who has
    spent most of his entire life immersed in Marxist ideology,
    influences, mentors and benefactors. He has proven, as president, that
    he is still fully committed to dragging America - kicking and
    screaming if necessary (recall the outrageous and illegal way
    Obamacare was passed) - into a new era of unprecedented,
    government-coerced redistribution of wealth and power. To be precise:

    It would be folly, of course, to imagine that Obama just magically
    appeared out of thin air to lead a nation of liberty-loving,
    responsible, moral, right-thinking grownups leftward. America has been
    moving in this sad direction for decades. No, not under the `Marxist'
    label, or any of those other nasty words of yesteryear, like
    `socialism' or `communism' or `collectivism.' They've all been
    carefully replaced by warm-and-cuddly terms like `fairness,' `economic
    justice,' `redistribution,' `progressivism' and - as an off-script
    Obama famously told Joe the Plumber - `spread[ing] the wealth around.'

    The spirit of socialism has taken root and flowered spectacularly in
    America, especially in all of our elite, idea-generating institutions
    like education, the news and entertainment media, and, of course,
    government. The original American spirit - stout, risk-taking,
    God-fearing, responsible, adult - has progressively been displaced by
    the spirit of dependency and helplessness, of perpetual grievance and
    victimization, and most of all, of envy and resentment. All of which
    cries out for ever bigger government.

    So the question is: Will we Americans re-embrace the values that made
    ours the greatest nation in history, or will we continue on our
    current path toward the godless mirage of `redistributive change' -
    and the poverty and loss of liberty that always follow?

    In any event, for the present I can at least derive some solace from
    remembering that I was raised by parents and grandparents who
    appreciated their adopted country and all the blessings the Creator
    freely bestowed upon it - and weren't angrily obsessed with
    `transforming' it into a socialist paradise. For that I am truly

    May those blessings continue. May this nation repent of its sins. And
    may we come to our senses before it's too late.

    Happy 100th birthday, Dad. God bless you.

    The preceding is reprinted from the June issue of WND's monthly
    Whistleblower magazine, `MARXISM, AMERICAN-STYLE.'

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress