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U.S. Congressman Introduces Resolution On Iranian Azeris' Self-Deter

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  • U.S. Congressman Introduces Resolution On Iranian Azeris' Self-Deter


    September 14, 2012 - 17:36 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has
    introduced a House Concurrent Resolution that states the "Azeri
    people, currently divided between Azerbaijan and Iran, have the
    right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country,
    if they so choose."

    "The Azeri people have an innate right to choose their own political
    structure and to choose their country," said Rohrabacher. "It is not
    up to bureaucrats in Washington or the mullah dictatorship in Iran.

    The ethnic Azeri's in Azerbaijan enjoy sovereignty and independence;
    there is no reason why the Azeri population in Iran should not be
    able to make that same choice. This principle holds true for all the
    people who live in Iran."

    Rep. Rohrabacher wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    previously that "the Azeri homeland was split between Imperial
    Russia and the Persian Empire in 1828 without the consent of the
    Azeri people." Inspired by political discussions currently ongoing
    within Azerbaijan's Parliament, Rep. Rohrabacher stated that,

    "My resolution puts the US on the side of the Azeri people and with
    the people within Iran," said Rohrabacher. "If the people on the
    ground don't want to be ruled by the mullah dictatorship in Iran,
    then we should support their right to determine their future through
    a referendum. It is disconcerting to me that the State Department
    and Tehran agree that the people of Iran should be forced to live
    within the borders and under the same jurisdiction no matter how the
    majority of the Azeris believe. I am calling on the government of
    Iran to provide its Azeri population with a referendum to determine
    their own future state."

    Rep. Rohrabacher is Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
    on Oversight and Investigations.
