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New Video Camera in Exchange for Her Silence: Armenian Activist Refu

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  • New Video Camera in Exchange for Her Silence: Armenian Activist Refu

    New Video Camera in Exchange for Her Silence: Armenian Activist
    Refuses Police Deal
    12.14.2013 13:14

    The police offered human rights activist Lala Aslikyan a deal,
    promising that they will display "good will" toward her and buy her a
    new video camera to replace the one they seized from her if she stops
    complaining and says that police have returned the (original) video
    camera to her. Aslikyan conveyed this news to on Friday. The
    activist, however, refused the police "deal," saying she doesn't enter
    into deals.

    "They say they will purchase a video camera of equal value and give it
    to me; meanwhile, no action is being taken to penalize the police
    officer [who took the camera]. They also said that my video camera has
    been found, but it's broken. I asked them to return the memory card
    and said I need it to film, but they refused, explaining that they'll
    return it only after the actions have been done," she said. What
    actions will be done, however, was unclear.

    The fact that law enforcement officials, instead of punishing, are
    covering up the actions of their colleague has enraged Aslikyan. "This
    means that at any time a police officer can seize an item belonging to
    you and not be penalized. Why don't they want to hold the officer
    accountable so that it becomes a lesson for the others?" she asked,
    adding that in the coming days she will submit a report to the police.

    Recall, the activist's video camera was seized on Dec. 2, during a
    march protesting Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Armenia.
    At the intersection of Amiryan and Zakyan streets, police officers
    forcefully shoved several protestors, including Aslikyan, into nearby
    police vans, where she attempted to film. One of the officers seized
    the video camera, after which she was taken out of the vehicle.
    Asklikyan asked that the video camera be returned to her, insisting
    that it contains important material, but officers took it away from
    the scene. Later, at the police station, the human rights activist
    explained how her video camera was taken, saying that a few news
    outlets caught the incident on tape.

    The moment when Aslikyan was picked up by police can be seen in the
    video below.
