Armenian Relief Society of Western USA
517 W. Glenoaks Blvd. | Glendale, CA 91202-2812 US
Phone: (818) 500-1343 | Fax: (818) 242-3732
Email: [email protected]

ARS Celebrates the Year of the Armenian Mother

Performers Nune Avetisyan and Hovannes Shahbazian entertained to
celebrate the `Year of the Armenian Mother' and raise funds for
Armenian Relief Society (ARS) programs in the Western United States on
December 8, 2013, at the Brandview Banquet Hall in Glendale,

ARS-WUSA Regional Executive Chairperson Lena Bozoyan presented the key
address, praising mothers and ARS members for their motherly love, for
providing hope, warmth, confidence and security for the organizations
and people of the community. Read More

Needy Children Receive Gifts

The ARS-WUSA Social Services, assisted by Santa Claus, distributed
toys to needy children on December 27, 2013.

The ARS Regional office in Glendale was buzzing with young children,
who were happy to receive gifts.

Regional Executive Chairperson Lena Bozoyan and Social Services
Director Sona Zinzalian spoke to the children.

Shipments to Armenia

Forty (40) palettes (one container) of athletic shoes and 40 wedding
dresses were shipped to Armenia in November 2013.

The wedding dresses are for a rental program to be administered by ARS
of Armenia, so young women may have the opportunity to wear nice
dresses, while rental income is generated for the Armenia Regional

ARS Chapters Fed the Homeless or Sorted Food at Shelters

Upcoming Events

The ARS Winter Wonderland Festival will take place from February 1 to
2, 2014 at St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Church grounds, 500
S. Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91204. The hours are 11 a.m. to 10
p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday.

Exercise and Raise Funds for ARS at the5K Run/Walk on Saturday, March
8, 2014, or theMarathon on Sunday, March 9, 2014.

The ARS Alla Levonian's Concert will be held on March 29, 2014 at the
United Community Church in Glendale.

The ARS-WUSA 30th Anniversary Gala will be held on Friday, May 2,
2014, at 8 p.m. at the Taglyan Ballroom in Hollywood. Check Events

You Can Make a Difference byDonating to ARS Programs

Your donation will help our Saturday schools, Social Services, Child,
Youth and Family Guidance Center, ARS Syria Fund to heat homes, ARS
Javakhk Fund and ARS Armenia Funds. Donate Now

Check our web site for more information regarding upcoming events,
press releases, photo albums, contact information, etc. Website

Check and Like our Facebook (
page. Check our YouTube ARS Voice Channel

Supporting ARS Schools Is Supporting Armenian Language & Culture


The ARS Regional Executive extends its heartfelt sympathies to Maria
Kasbarian, a teacher at the ARS Anahid Chapter Saturday School, for
the loss of her daughter Vana, who was a student at the school and
passed away on December 18, 2013.