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Ambassador Minasyan presented his credentials to Pope Farancis

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  • Ambassador Minasyan presented his credentials to Pope Farancis

    Ambassador Minasyan presented his credentials to Pope Farancis - Photos
    02:02 09/06/2013 » POLITICS

    On June 7, Mikayel Minasyan, the first resident Ambassador of the
    Republic of Armenia to the Holy See, presented his credentials to Pope

    During the conversation Ambassador Minasyan and Pope Francis touched
    upon bilateral historical relations between Armenia and the Holy See,
    and its rich cultural and spiritual heritage. In this regard,
    Ambassador Minasyan mentioned that he intends to direct the activity
    of the newly established Armenian Embassy to the Holy See towards the
    further enhancement of bilateral cultural relations, spiritual
    commonalities, as well as the protection and restoration of the
    Armenian Christian heritage which is an integral part of the world
    cultural heritage.

    Ambassador Minasyan delivered to the Pope the fraternal greetings of
    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians. He also extended his gratitude to Pope Francis for his
    position on the Armenian Genocide expressed during the meeting with
    Nerses Bedros 19, the Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicia of Armenian

    During the meeting, Ambassador Minasyan extended an invitation to the
    Pope by the President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, to
    visit Armenia. The Bishop promised to consider the possibility of
    visiting Armenia.
    After the meeting with the Pope, according to the protocol of the Holy
    See, Ambassador Minasyan had a tête-à-tête with the Cardinal Secretary
    of State Tarcisio Bertone.

    During the meeting, Cardinal Bertone expressed gratitude to the
    President of Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan for paying great
    importance to the further development of bilateral relations between
    Armenia and Holy See and welcomed the decision to establish an Embassy
    and appoint a resident Ambassador to the Holy See. Secretary of State
    also announced that State Secretariat is discussing the opening of
    Nunciature to Armenia.

    From: A. Papazian