`Nature Product International' against `Sia Pharm' case is again in court

Sat, 06/29/2013 - 20:33

The hearing of the case of `Nature Product International' company
against `Sia Pharm' LLC took place at Kentron and Nork-Marash Court of
First Instance, presided by Gayane Karakhanyan. The plaintiff demanded
for the banning the import of `Antigrippin- maximum' and `Antigripin-
ANVI' and removal of the existing ones from the markets.

Claimant's representative said that the marker research conducted by
the client revealed that in RA pharmacies drugs of other companies but
with the same name (`Antigripin maximum' and Antigripin-ANVA) appear
which violates Antigripin's trademark law. And as it was revealed the
drugs were imported by `Sia Pharm' company.

The mentioned case has already ones gone in the judicial circle. The
court of first instance upheld the claim, banning Antigripin from
importing `Antigripin-maximum' and `Antigripin- ANVA' to Armenia. `Sia
Farm' appealed the decision of Kentron and Norw Marash court of first
instance. The court upheld the clams and reversed the decision of the
court of first instance and send the claim for a new hearing.

- See more at: http://www.pastinfo.am/en/node/17793#sthash.nqxQBWaT.dpuf