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Half of Turkey's Islamized Armenians silent on ethnic origins - expe

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  • Half of Turkey's Islamized Armenians silent on ethnic origins - expe

    Half of Turkey's Islamized Armenians silent on ethnic origins - expert

    13:44 - 16.11.13

    Of the 4 million Islamized Armenians residing in Turkey today, nearly
    half remain silent on their ethnic origins, an expert has said,
    addressing the problems of Turkey's crypto-Armenians.

    `Who is a crypto-Armenian? The one who knows who he or she is. They
    wed their children between themselves and know the Armenian traditions
    better than we do,' Haykazun Alvrtsyan, the director of the Center for
    Western Armenian Studies, told a news conference on Saturday.

    The expert said that his studies of Turkey's Islamized Armenians have
    revealed that the Crypto-Armenians, whose number is about 1.5 - 2
    million, reside mainly on the territory of the historical Kingdom of
    Armenia. Yet there is another half that never identifies itself as
    descendents ethnic Armenians and never wishes to remember the past for
    fear of losing what they have, Alvrtsyan added.

    `This is first of all a political issue, as Islamized Armenians have
    become a kind of problem for Turkey,' he explained. `Turkey feels an
    urge to show something to the West. And to do that it is important [to
    promote] religious freedom and human liberties. We are first of all
    interested in the Islamized Armenians problem which is something they
    must be able to solve.'

    `First, there is the government viewpoint and the scientific studies
    confirming that. In the second place, we deal with nationalist `gray
    wolves' etc, the attitude of different circles and trends. And
    thirdly, there is the demand of the humanity understanding this
    problem in the best way and urging that it be raised and a solution is

    Alvrtsyan further referred to the Turkish constitutional provision
    saying that all people residing in the country are Turks. But that, he
    said, does not mean at all they know nothing about Islamized

    `All the Ismalized Armenians - whether hiding [their origins] or not -
    are registered. And we learned recently about the codes which are
    effective even today and whose initiator is Talaat [Pasha]. They know
    that quite well, and not only; all the Armenians are controllable, and
    that gives hints as to the policies conducted today,' Alvrtsyan said,
    noting that Islamized Armenians in Turkey are often denied promotion
    in the military or the state sector.
