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"It Is Difficult To Speak About Common Standards Of The EU"

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  • "It Is Difficult To Speak About Common Standards Of The EU"


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Jan 28 2014

    28 January 2014 - 12:24pm

    Interview by Orkhan Sattarov, the head of the European bureau of
    Vestnik Kavkaza

    Vestnik Kavkaza publishes a series of interview with political
    scientists of the European Union, who express a European point of view
    on relations between the EU and the South Caucasus countries. The
    German expert on post-Soviet space Heiko Langner answers question
    on European integration of Georgia and Turkey, the Nagorno-Karabakh
    settlement, and ties with Armenia.

    - How does Europe view efforts by the new Georgian government to
    meet European standards?

    - We can hardly speak about common European standards - they hardly
    exist even in political practice of the EU itself. Political systems
    and democratic standards inside Europe are very different.

    European democratic standards should be accepted as certain political
    limits for the EU members. However, in reality it is not always so.

    For example, Hungary and Berlusconi's Italy had shifted from the
    common European course in the past years.

    The new Georgian government, as well as other countries, has a right
    for its own democratic way. Certain democratic progress is registered
    in Georgia, and it is a reason for moderate optimism. But it depends
    on changes in the social practice, and time should pass for us to
    see a result.

    - Should we expect a more active mediatory role from the Minsk
    Group of the OSCE in the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement now, when the
    OSCE is headed by Switzerland which is well-known for its peacemaking
    diplomacy? What steps can it take in the direction?

    - Switzerland has long mediatory experience, including in difficult
    international issues. Due to its neutrality, Switzerland deserves
    to be a reliable and powerful mediator. From this point of view, it
    would be positive, if Switzerland used its chairmanship in the OSCE
    to contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict. First of all, we should speak about certain measures on
    improvement of trust between the sides of the conflict.

    The way to peace is long and difficult and Russia's participation
    is necessary.

    - Do you think cooperation between Armenia and the EU is possible,
    despite Yerevan's decision to join the Customs Union? If not, in what
    spheres can contacts be maintained?

    - Armenia had been using instruments of the European Neighborhood
    Policy more actively than Georgia. Therefore, a political interest
    exists. However, Armenia has great political and economic dependence
    on Russia and has little room for European integration.

    Armenia can undertake political maneuvers only in spheres which are
    not very important for Russia.

    The EU should continue working with Armenia for further liberalization
    of its economy, mainly to boost European investments. The EU should
    also cooperate in strengthening the borders of Armenia to prevent
    illegal migration.

    - What are the instruments of influence on Russia by the EU in the
    issue of the South Stream, concerning European laws? What concessions
    does the EU expect from Gazprom?

    - Russia is an exporter of raw material resources, and it has a
    beneficial position for providing its own interests. Moreover, when
    disputes occur, general energy policy turns into waste paper, and
    priority is given to national interests of certain EU members. Russia
    prefers bilateral agreements as well, and it has proved to be a
    reliable partner. Problems which occurred with power resources'
    supplies last year were connected with such transit countries as
    Ukraine and Belarus, as Moscow had disputes with them on gas prices
    and volumes.

    - How did the readmission agreement stimulate Turkey's membership
    in the EU? What are obstacles in the way of the event?

    - The readmission agreement didn't influence positively the
    process of Turkey's accession to the EU. The agreement serves only
    sordid interests of the EU which wants to establish its antihuman
    migration policy on external borders. The EU strives for signing
    such agreements almost with all bordering and transit countries to
    secure itself from illegal migration. The talks with Turkey were
    provided by some dishonest members of the EU, especially France and
    Germany. The countries don't want full membership of Turkey in the
    EU. My position is simple - the talks on Turkish membership in the EU
    should have an aim of full membership of the country in the European
    Union. When Turkey meets Copenhagen criteria and its population vote
    for membership in the EU, the country should be accepted to the Union
    immediately. Democratic Turkey which follows human and minorities'
    rights could play an important role of a bridge between the East and
    the West, being the EU members.
